Tomorrow's World - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at ***** Tomorrow's World helps hundreds of thousands of people make sense of the world through the pages of the Bible. Using the truth, prophecies, and hope of God's Word, Tomorrow's World is helping people understand the world we live in. Tomorrow's World publishes a weekly television program that airs on stations around the world, including WGN, WORD, COWBOY, and a host of local stations. You can see a full television listing here: These programs can also be found on this Rumble channel, though, modified to suit our YouTube audience. Tomorrow's World is sponsored by the Living Church of God as the primary outreach effort to preach the gospel to the world and warn of troubles coming as a result of mankind's disobedience to God. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble: Living Church of God - Rumble:

Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at ***** Tomorrow’s World video shorts. Powerful, short video animations and Telecast vignettes that ask important questions and promote Tomorrow’s World literature or telecasts. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: Tomorrow's World - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: Living Church of God - Rumble:

Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at ***** Tomorrow’s World Viewpoint provides brief but informative videos on some of today’s most important topics. These are not necessarily the topics you will find highlighted on the evening news or trending on Twitter, but they are the ones that affect your daily life and the lives of your loved ones. Viewpoint offers a fresh perspective on subjects of morality, society, current events and even life itself. We hope you will find these resources enjoyable, informative and inspiring. In addition to Viewpoint, Tomorrow’s World produces a half-hour television program, bi-monthly magazine and full website featuring a host of materials on a wide variety of subjects. Resources from Tomorrow’s World are provided free of charge thanks to the generous donations of men and women around the globe. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble: Living Church of God - Rumble:

Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at ***** Welcome to Tomorrow’s World Answers, where we answer your questions straight from The Bible. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: Tomorrow's World - Rumble: Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble: Living Church of God - Rumble:

Gone Before Tomorrow - Music


Howdy! Thanks for stopping in to the channel. You are truly appreciated. Gone Before Tomorrow is the channel any self taught guitarist always wished was there! A catalogue of accurate lessons, and performances free for you to use, and grow as a musician! You'll find lessons that players at anybody can get into even if all you've got is a dusty old acoustic. Heck after a few of these songs you're going to be impressing your father with those sweet guitar skills. In no time you'll have a tapestry of great songs to jam at your next barbecue, or campfire Please support the channel by liking, and subscribing! It's completely free for you, and would mean the world to me. I'll subscribe back to help your channel! I also appreciate comments, and requests. Much love y'all!



Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned cardiologist, surgeon, medical device inventor and author, believes every human deserves vitality and longevity. Although he has performed thousands of heart surgeries in his 40-year career, Dr. Gundry’s focus, for the last 15 years, is empowering people through diet to reverse and prevent ailments. Here, you’ll find Dr. Steven Gundry demonstrating his favorite recipes, explaining the latest health/science discoveries, and offering practical tips to challenging health issues...all with a sense of humor that’s uniquely Dr. Gundry. Currently, he practices, as founding director, at The Center of Restorative Medicine at Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, California. He is also the author of nutrition books: the best-selling "Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution" (2008)

Nature Of Morocco


Le Maroc et ses richesses. Avec son charme oriental et ses site dignes des mille et une nuits, la nature et paysages du Maroc émerveillent au premier regard. La Nature au Maroc est l’une des causes de cet enchantement: entre les palmiers, les oasis, les montagnes ou encore le désert du Sahara, visiter le Maroc c’est découvrir un patrimoine naturel très riche. Mais tout d’abord, penchons nous sur les incontournables du Maroc. Bien que Casablanca soit la ville la plus peuplée, la capitale du Maroc est Rabat, et on y trouve une foule de choses à visiter. Par exemple, la tour Hassan, qui est le monument le plus célèbre de Rabat et un chef-d’oeuvre de l’art marocain traditionnel. La ville de Fès est elle aussi importante car considérée comme la capitale culturelle du pays. La vieille ville, appelée la Médina de Fès, est un véritable labyrinthe parsemé de souks et de restaurants traditionnels. On peut passer des heures à en découvrir les moindres recoins et s’amuser à se perdre dans ce dédale. Enfin, les villes de Marrakech et Casablanca sont emblématiques du Maroc. A Marrakech, on navigue entre les souks et les mosquées, avec notamment le minaret de la Koutoubia, symbole de la ville. Non loin de là, on trouve la place Jemaa el-Fna, célèbre pour être la place la plus fréquentée et la plus animée de Marrakech. A Casablanca, les bâtiments blancs et bleus sont typiques de la ville, avec notamment la mosquée Hassan-II qui se dresse sur le port. Mais au-delà de la ville, c’est la nature et paysages du Maroc qui font le charme du pays. Les plages, par exemple, font le bonheur des touristes et des locaux. Pour les amateurs de surf, la plage de Taghazout est l’eldorado des surfeurs débutants ou confirmés. Pour ceux désirant simplement admirer un beau panorama, la plage d’Essaouira, qui s’étend sur six kilomètres, a été désignée comme l’une des meilleures plages du Maroc. Et enfin, pour les adorateurs de nature sauvage, la plage de l’île du dragon à Dakhla est parfaite avec ses bancs de sable blanc et son eau claire. Tous les touristes trouveront leur bonheur, car le Maroc regorge de gemmes à l’eau transparente et au sable fin. Mais la nature et paysages du Maroc, c’est aussi les oasis, ces zones de végétations aux allures de mirage situées en plein désert. Parmi les plus célèbres et les plus belles, on trouve l’oasis de Tinghir, qui s’étend sur plus de trente kilomètres. Le vert émeraude de la végétation y contraste avec les couleurs terreuses du désert, ce qui en fait un endroit parfait pour prendre des photos hors du commun et emblématiques des paysages du Maroc. Le pays regorge également de parcs nationaux, par exemple le parc national du Haut Atlas qui s’étend sur 49 000 hectares. Les paysages y sont très variés et typiques du Maroc car la zone couverte par le parc s’étend du nord, au climat plus humide et propice à l’abondance de végétaux, au sud, où la sécheresse est plus présente. Concernant les montagnes, elles sont nombreuses car elles occupent plus de deux tiers du territoire marocain. L’une d’entre elles, le Djebel Moussa, offre un panorama magnifique sur le détroit de Gibraltar, et culmine à plus de 850 mètres. Tous les randonneurs apprécient ainsi le Maroc, qui regorge de montagnes à gravir ainsi que de vues à couper le souffle. Que l’on aime l’architecture, la photographie, la randonnée ou encore le surf, le Maroc est un pays enchanteur qui ravira tous les visiteurs.



A Moroccan travel channel is a platform that showcases the diverse beauty, culture, and history of Morocco through a variety of visual and narrative storytelling techniques. The channel aims to transport its audience to the vibrant and colorful country of Morocco by featuring its stunning landscapes, bustling markets, delicious cuisine, unique architecture, and rich heritage. Through carefully curated content, a Moroccan travel channel offers an immersive experience that highlights the country's diverse regions, from the coastal towns and beaches to the bustling cities and the majestic Atlas Mountains. Viewers can expect to see footage of traditional Moroccan lifestyles, including camel rides through the desert, weaving carpets, cooking tagines, and exploring ancient medinas. In addition to showcasing the country's natural and cultural wonders, a Moroccan travel channel also provides practical information to help travelers plan their own trips. This can include reviews of hotels, restaurants, and other accommodations, as well as tips on navigating transportation, cultural norms, and safety considerations. Overall, a Moroccan travel channel provides an engaging and informative window into one of the most fascinating and unique destinations in the world.