MITA is a network of industry professionals and businesses committed, dedicated, and striving for the continued evolution of the industry through education, transparency, inclusivity, and the development of thoughtful free-market-oriented regulations throughout the United States. Displaying the MITA medallion on your packaging, website, or brick and mortar store of your brand, demonstrates your company’s commitment to advancing industry practices in the best interests of the consumers and patients. Shows a commitment to only supporting regulations advancing the free flow of medicine to the patients of an emerging cannabis industry. MITA is a network of cannabis industry professionals and businesses focused on developing an inclusive and accessible industry.

Miss Annas's Creative Kids Verified


Welcome to Miss Anna's Creative Kids! 🌟 This channel is dedicated to making learning fun and engaging for babies and toddlers. Here, your little ones will embark on exciting educational journeys filled with songs, nursery rhymes, interactive games, and playful activities that promote language development, cognitive skills, and social-emotional growth. Follow along as we explore the world of colors, shapes, numbers, letters, animals, and more through captivating videos designed to keep your child entertained and learning. Subscribe now and let the learning begin! 🚀

Flávio VIGATA - Peregrino na Missão


Preparação espiritual e das coisas naturais, para o agora e o por vir ! Palavra de fé e perseverança, convite a reflexão, artes para edificar, noticias atuais, bate papo em comunhão. Vídeos novos toda semana. Olá, seja bem vindo(a). Eu sou o VIGATA, Missionário de Cristo l Multiartista l Designer Criativo l Legendador De Vídeos Não vivam consumidos pelas preocupações sobre coisa alguma; em vez disso, orem a Deus pedindo aquilo de que precisam e não esqueça de lhe agradecer por tudo que ele já fez. Então vocês experimentarão a paz de Deus, que excede todo entendimento e que guardará seu coração e sua mente em Cristo Jesus. Filipenses 4:6-7