Résistance aux manipulateurs mondialistes
1 FollowerLa situation du monde est grave. Les esclaves devraient jeter leurs smartphones, ou tout au moins arrêter d'utiliser les QRcodes piégeux et encore pire d'installer des apps espions qui lancera l'identité numérique qui signera la fin des libertés.
Katana Manipulates You
0 Followersmanipulate verb ma·nip·u·late mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlāt manipulated; manipulating Synonyms of manipulate transitive verb 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner manipulate a pencil manipulate a machine 2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully quantify our data and manipulate it statistically —S. L. Payne b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage being used and manipulated by the knowing men around him —New Republic 3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : doctor suspected that the police reports were manipulated —Evelyn G. Cruickshanks manipulatable: mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlā-tə-bəl adjective: manipulation mə-ˌni-pyə-ˈlā-shən noun: manipulator mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlā-tər noun: manipulatory mə-ˈni-pyə-lə-ˌtȯr-ē adjective Synonyms exploit, play (upon)
Manipulated Arts
0 FollowersCreating photoshop edits and composites for fun
0 FollowersForex trading Forex market stocks market