Videos von Dave Bryan


Pastor Dave & Cheryl Bryan ( aus Kalifornien/USA sind sehr bekannt für ihre apostolische- und pastorale Arbeit in ihrer Gegend und in anderen Nationen. Durch ihre "Jesaja 61- Befreiungs- und Geistliche Kampfführungs-Konferenzen" wurden Tausende angesprochen und befreit von dämonischer Bedrängnis und Unterdrückung. Sie sind internationale Trainer im Befreiungsdienst und sehr bekannt unter den YWAM-Bases (Standorte von "Jugend mit einer Mission") in der ganzen Welt. Cheryl ist anerkannt als "Revivalist," in dem sie sich in den Fußspuren ihres Großvaters A.A. Allen bewegt, das Feuer des Heiligen Geistes in den Leib Jesu zu tragen.

Fowler's Makery and Mischief


Bushcrafter, Outdoorsman, and Youtube Creator Zachary Fowler is a Vermont native who moved to coastal Maine to become a wooden boat builder. Although building classic wooden boats was a passion and skill, Zach's real love was always for the outdoors. This would be expressed by his years providing for his family, occupying an off-grid Yurt-style home, and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Fowler's enthusiasm for the outdoors and strong work ethic was proven when he applied for and won History channel's “Alone” show, where he survived for 87 days in Patagonia, "catch and cooking" 63 fish and 2 birds. After surviving and winning the show Fowler chose to start his own Youtube channel where he could reach an audience and share his appreciation and knowledge of the great outdoors through video series such as the “30 Day Survival Challenge” and “Trick-Shot-Tuesday”. On this channel, you will find a plethora of catch and cooks, primitive and modern survival, and tons of fun!

May Namit Katiyar grow Rumble but will definitely put 2 to 3 videos per day. Our aim is to make Rumble reach the stage of YouTube.


"HELLO WELCOME दोस्तों...मैं हूँ 'Namit Katiyar' और आप देख रहे हैं Namit Technical Gyan !" My Dear Friend, ये आप का ही चैनल है..आपको इस चैनल पर सभी जानकारियां FUNNY STYLE में मिलेंगी। इसमें हम जानकारी शेयर करते Technical Videos,Technical Gyan & Reparing तथा OTHER STUFF के बारे में! बहुत बहुत स्वागत है आपका अपने ही चैनल " Namit Technical Gyan" में और हफ्ते में 5 से ज्यादा वीडियो डालने की कोशिश रहती है जिनमें यदि आपने अभी ' Namit Technical Gyan ' की प्यारी-सी Family को Join नहीं किया है तो अभी कर लो जी! Take Care! ध्यान रखें अपना.. मिलते है अगली वीडियो में! Follow करके जाना जी! Namit Katiyar From Uttar Pradesh (India)