Master Lama Rasaji Verified


Master Lama Rasaji works with a select group of individual students. These students meet or speak with Rasaji in private sessions weekly , and also practice the Tai Chi Gung exercises. (See Store for more information. Live streamed classes at His private students come from all walks of life. Most are focused on overcoming any and all obstacles. They know and live abundance in every aspect of their lives: health, finances, relationships and service to the world. "As a private student of Master Lama Rasaji\'s for many years, I highly encourage you to go ahead and reach out to him. Send him an email. Introduce yourself." Master David Paul Email:

Emmanuel TV


Founded by T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria, Emmanuel TV is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus Christ and the job is to talk about Him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is simple - changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Word is the most effective instrument for change. The people hear and change. Nations hear and change. The world hears and changes. "Emmanuel" means \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'God is with us\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' (Matthew 1:23)! We encourage you to watch Emmanuel TV and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in Him!

Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima


🔴 Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima é um canal onde mostro meus trabalhos ARTÍSTICOS, e MUSICAIS de minha autoria. No qual serão disponibilizados vídeos, e músicas feitos por mim gratuitamente, nas plataformas de vídeo e música, royalty free, para você usar em seus projetos. Muito obrigado! E um grande abraço da alma! **Sandro Lima ------------ 🔴 Ficarei Feliz por sua Doação! Isso me motivará cada vez mais, fazer projetos EXCLUSIVOS e GRATUITOS, para Você!!! 🔰 LINK PARA DOAÇÃO (LINK TO DONATION): ➽➽ ------------- 🔴 QUERO UM VÍDEO OU MÚSICA EXCLUSIVO PARA O MEU PROJETO🔴 Caso você queira um vídeo, áudio, imagens exclusivas (único) para seu projeto, entre em contato com meu e-mail, ou Whatsapp para conversar, e ver preços. 🔴WHATSAPP: ➽➽53 984 52 03 18 (Sandro Lima) 🔴TELEGRAM: ➽➽ 🔴EMAIL OFICIAL: **E-mail 1 ➽➽ **E-mail 2 ➽➽

armes climatiques chemtrails,Harrp et 5G ondes magnetiques


le Programme de recherche aurorale active à haute fréquence (HAARP) est un instrument de musique datant d'au moins 5500 ans programme de recherche scientifique destiné à étudier l'ionosphère du la terre et ses effets sur la communication. ECOCIDE - LE GÉNOCIDE EST SOUS VOS YEUX EN 2020 AVEC LE DÉPLOIEMENT DE LA 5G AJOUTÉ AUX CHEMTRAILS.. LES CHEMTRAILS SONT PULVÉRISÉS CHAQUE JOUR DANS VOTRE CIEL PULVÉRISATION CHIMIQUE pendant plus de 20 ANS. depuis 2019 on assiste au déploiement massif et illégal de la 5G dans l'ESPACE et sur TERRE. qui aboutira, si nous ne résistons pas, à un écocide et à un génocide global sur la planète Terre..., couplés aux Chemtrails ici : les objectifs des armes exotiques, des armes spatiales CHEMTRAILS, des satellites HAARP et 5G et des cellules au sol et leurs conséquences mortelles sur la planète Terre et la race humaine : Biotechnologie Contrôle de la pensée Grille de fréquences Dangers pour la santé stérilisation Écocide haarp, Contrôle des fréquences..Nanobots dans notre sang et votre cerveau, poussière intelligente..