Timeless Tourism


Hi everyone and welcome to my channel. I would like you guys to take a tour with me around the World. Mostly I will show you the popular and interesting places and countries. Please walk me through this journey :) On our channel, you can find a variety of content to help you plan your next trip. From destination guides and travel tips, to reviews of hotels and restaurants, to live broadcasts of events and festivals around the world, Something for every traveler. We also have a team of experienced travel writers and photographers who contribute their expertise and first-hand experiences to our channel. Our goal is to give you the most authentic and reliable information possible, so you can make informed decisions about where to go and what to do on your next vacation country. Thank you for choosing "Timeless Tourism" as your go-to source for travel inspiration and information. We hope our content helps you plan your next great adventure and that you come back to visit us often!

Hospital Infantil de Londrina


Esse é um projeto de canal de Corte, que mostra pequenos trailers de vídeos incríveis e divulga os parceiros e links das versões completas, mostrando o melhor conteúdo lúdico do Youtube, desde mini cozinha, LEGO e ASMR. Toda a remuneração, direta ou indireta, gerada da iniciativa Anjos Existem é revertida para o Hospital melhorando o socorro às nossas crianças aumentando as chances de cura e uma vida mais saudável. Uma realização do Hospital Infantil Sagrada Família, que atende crianças em Londrina, no Paraná, Brasil. Descubra nossa missão, ouça famílias e assista produções realizadas pelos pequenos pacientes, influencers profissionais, equipe da saúde e muitos outros anjos que apoiam financeiramente o Hospital Quer fazer mais como criador de conteúdo? Junte-se ao canal Anjos Existem iniciando uma campanha de arrecadação de fundos com o botão ‘doar’ em seu próprio canal. Quando você assiste, se inscreve, curte e compartilha nossos vídeos, você faz a diferença para essas crianças.

Discover the TRUTH about losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat, and building muscle naturally. You'll find weight loss motivation, six pack abs workouts, and fat loss meal prep videos.


Discover the TRUTH about losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat, and building muscle naturally. You'll find weight loss motivation, six pack abs workouts, and fat loss meal prep videos. Watch enough of my weight loss and muscle building tips and you'll figure out the best way to lose weight for yourself. After all you're a unique individual. If you're looking to get lean, ripped, jacked, swole, shredded, cut, and totally swoltastic NATURALLY then you will benefit from this channel. Most of the content is about burning fat and gaining muscle mass fast and efficiently. There are also intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all types of other meal prep plans. Entire weight loss diet plans done for you for free. Also if you're a skinny guy trying to bulk up, build muscle, and gain mass naturally my videos can help.

Ethiopian Tourism Place


The top tourist destinations in Ethiopia are discussed on this channel. One of the nations in East Africa with an abundance of natural beauty, historical sites, cultural landmarks, and tourist attractions is Ethiopia. Every type of traveler can find something to interest them, whether it be the round Ethiopian Orthodox churches on islands in Lake Tana, the Blue Nile Falls, the castles of Gondar, the Stellea of Axum, the rock-hewn churches of Tigray, the ancient temple of Yeha, or the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela. Therefore, if you are thinking about visiting Ethiopia, this channel is for you since I tried to give you all the information you need about the country's many tourist attractions so that you might organize your trip without any problem.