Squaring The Circle, A Randall Carlson Podcast Verified


Welcome to the Randall Carlson channel! Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. ❤️ ADD FREE EPISODES: Watch full episodes of Squaring The Circle AD FREE on howtube.com with a subscription -- LINK: https://www.howtube.com/channels/SquaringTheCircle#tab_video_series For those familiar with Randall's work, you can of course expect this podcast to feature his extensive knowledge in all areas of his expertise, but that's not all. Randall will also play host to some of the finest minds of our time in exclusive interviews, where he and his guests will tackle the most complex and controversial issues facing our world today. Join Randall in ‘Squaring The Circle’; an endeavor to "reconcile the irreconcilable" using reason, rationale and critical thinking. 🔥 NEED A GREAT CBD SUPPLIER? OUR CBD SPONSOR OFFERS MY VIEWERS FREE SHIPPING FOR LIFE: 🌿 Use Code-- RCSHIPSFREE https://cbdfromthegods.com For everything Randall, visit RANDALLCARLSON.COM



The Earth is flat. You can research flat Earth with the links I\'ve provided below. Eric Dubay\'s "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball": https://cutt.ly/4hw0JsN The History of Flat Earth: https://youtu.be/OQCXT2pkans 240 FLAT EARTH BIBLE VERSES: https://cutt.ly/ukX0DaT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Flat Earth books I recommend reading: The Flat-Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball: Eric Dubay The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe by Edward Hendrie A Hundred Proofs the Earth Is Not a Globe by William Carpenter (1885). Terra firma : the earth not a planet, proved from scripture, reason and fact Zetetic Cosmogony by Thomas Winship Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe (Samuel Birley Rowbotham) [1881] Kings Dethroned by Gerrard Hickson

Flat Earth Clock app


https://rumble.com/FlatEarthClock Take the FE Clock challenge. Watch these videos every day for 2 weeks and see what happens. Just search "Flat Earth Clock" by Blue Water Bay in Google Play or the Apple App Store. It will be the best $2.99 you've ever invested. Avoid the knock off apps on Google Play, they are FREE and still NOT worth the price. Download and check it out today! Apple: https://tinyurl.com/FEiOSapp Android: https://tinyurl.com/FEdroidApp Both: https://qrco.de/bbizVA APK: https://flatearthvideosearch.xyz/FE_CLOCKJuly.apk

Flat Earth Videos shared by Crystal Skull Explorers


Co-founder Joshua Shapiro of the Crystal Skull Explorers, has been writing various free e-books over the years and especially due to the challenges of the current times. For his sixth free e-book it will be discussing the idea that our world is a Flat circular round disc which is non-rotating or stationary and is covered over by an impregnable dome. To support this free e-book, he is going to have links to a number of videos that he will be recommending people watch which deal with the various sections of the e-book. Some of these videos will be interviews done for the e-book and others produced by a number of various sources. To contact Joshua how to get your copy of this e-book (Book 1 of 2, hope to be ready by early December of 2021), send to him an email at: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com, subject: Interested in free-ebook on Flat Earth via rumble. - thank you - Joshua :-)

Klartext im O-Ton


Dieser Kanal ist eine private Initiative von Christen in Österreich. Wir möchten hiermit einen Beitrag leisten, um eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung rund um das Thema "Corona" zu fördern.\\n \\nDabei ist uns das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung sehr wichtig. Wir nehmen es für uns selbst in Anspruch, und wollen es auch den Personen zugestehen, mit denen wir Interviews führen. Die Inhalte der Kommentare müssen nicht zwangsweise mit unserer persönlichen Meinung übereinstimmen.\\n\\n▶️ Folgt uns auf Telegram:\\nhttps://t.me/klartextimotn

V Cipher Community


Steganography Decodes; Ancient Earth History; Space Aliens; Nascent Technology ☯️ Neoplatonic Yogi & V-Nous Conquerer | Crypto Junkie 🔐 #V-Cipher #SpaceAliensOrBust #FuckTheFeds 🏴‍☠️ “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” - Frédéric Bastiat 🍄 🗿 Follow me to decode the occult ciphers and spells in the everyday world around you. 🧙🏼‍♂️ Iconoclast-ism is a way of life!