Lily Topolski Music


Lily Topolski Music is a ministry aimed at providing encouragement through recordings of instrumental hymns and sheet music for pianists of all ages and levels, from elementary to advanced. There are many different types of Christian piano music on this channel including traditional hymns, spirituals, Psalms, gospel songs, modern hymns, worship choruses, and more. To get FREE sheet music, visit: Listen to "Hymns of Hope and Peace: Volume 1" everywhere at: Website:



You can catch me playing Borderlands (BL3 currently) and enjoying the conversations. I will talk about most anything, but my favorites are games (obviously), weight lifting & exercising, cars, sports, and foooood! If you find yourself on one of my streams or watching one after the fact, drop a comment and say "hey!" I enjoy imposing my own difficulty with themed challenge playthroughs. Follow the channel for notifications to when streams will be starting Stream Schedule: ---------------------------------- -Friday 10pm (exact time varies) -Saturday 5am or 10pm (exact time varies) -Sunday 5am or 12pm (exact time varies) *Additional random days as my daily schedule allows!