Truth Lives Here
4,117 FollowersTruth Lives Here is a weekly podcast every Friday at 11am EST. Visit for more information!
Truth Lives Here is a weekly podcast every Friday at 11am EST. Visit for more information!
The Kingdom of God supersedes this natural realm, and will always prevail against the forces of Evil. The Word of God is eternal and written on the tablets of our Hearts! There is a world wide revolution taking place. The only losers are the criminals, murderers, and rapists. History is being made so wake up and be a part of something. This channel was created to give people hope in this time in Human History by Encouraging Patriots through Biblical Truth & Prayer. Please don\'t be afraid to comment with prayer requests, I love to pray! God bless everyone who reads this.
Dedicated to my son, John Jr, who valued truth during his 20 years & 29 days. I hope to live up to his standards in bringing truth to The People.
True Christianity as it was intended to be understood. WE delve in to the weightier matters, always respecting context and making proper application of those things written.
Content made by Canadians For Canadians. For all the things the mainstream media won't show, we will!
Christians are facing challenging times on a global scale like never before, watch “The Way”, a show that brings current social events, science, supernatural and super conservative views and more into alignment with Jesus’s work at the cross. Welcome to THE WAY. A Christian broadcast that discusses various aspects of the Christian faith. From the bible, to the bedroom, to the bank account, science and current events ... there is only 1 Way!Crazy right!
A space with real people talking about real issues that impact them, their families, and their communities. This is how we find our way out of the controlling globalist narrative. One human connection at a time.
The person in your world who must bring a fresh infusion of truth is... YOU! The Spirit Of the Lord is upon us to do certain things, ie, bring good news to the poor, heal the broken, deliverance to captives, sight to the blind, liberty to them that are bruised, I cant think of anything more exciting... or challenging!
Follow to make positive changes in your life and to learn the things that are outside of the matrix #tate #andrewtate #cobratate
Awakened by Grace. Living in hope and faith. Believing that God is in control
This limited run production was a collaboration between LampLight Pictures and First Century Ministry. Dr. Leslie King (FCM) and Mark Scott Grimmett (GLM) came together at The Lord's direction to produce shows that were designed to teach The undiluted Word of God, while covering a myriad of topics that are salient to the Body of Christ in these troubling times. They are presented here unedited and in their originally published form.
Jesus is The Way, The Truth and the Life
Welcome to the Life, Hope & Truth YouTube channel, featuring video content from Life, Hope &Truth exists to fill a critical void in this world: the lack of understanding about the purpose of life, the lack of realistic hope for a better future and the lack of truth! Neither religion nor science has satisfactorily addressed these issues, so people today are of divided opinions, confused or, worst of all, don't care anymore. We are here for people who are searching for answers, who are ready to prove all things or who are hungry for more than what they've been taught most of their lives about God, the Bible, the meaning of life and how to live. We want to help you truly understand the good news and fulfill Christ's admonition to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Life, Hope &Truth is sponsored by the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. Feel free to send comments and questions using our Contact form.
This channel contains a collection of videos that shares truth regarding the Father (Jehovah), His Son, Jesus Christ (King of Kings, Lord of Lords), and the Holy Spirit - the three in one God. Topics include Bible study from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible's history, Biblical scholar teachings, miracles of God, near death experiences, Christian movies, Christian testimonies and Christian music. We are in a spiritual battle everyday fighting against our enemies, the devil and his demons, and the men and women who worship them, and God commands us to expose them. Ephesians 5:11-13 states, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." Feel free to subscibe, like and use these videos for opening blinded eyes and teaching other believers how to expose and fight against our true enemies - the devil, his demons, and the men and women who worship them. Please agree with me in prayer, as two or more are gathered together, Jesus is in the midst of them, that those who are lost can receive the Light of Jesus Christ. The following verses from Romans 1:18-32 is a perfect example of the daily battle we are waging against darkness. The people discussed can be saved by Christ, although some are too far gone in their wickedness to be saved. As long as we have breath on this earth, we are in a spiritual battle. I pray these videos will assist you in ways that will prove worthwhile, as we struggle together to run the good race. "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. As an ambassador for Jesus Christ, I feel that we should share our testimonies regarding His love, mercy and grace to help build the faith of new believers. If you want to share a miracle or testimony with me anonymously or publicly, please let me know. I would really enjoy hearing about it and/or creating a video about your experience. You can send me a private message to any of my social platforms listed below. Therefore, I am sharing my testimony of the Lord calling me to ministry and miracles He has done for me for the last 60+ years: I was born again and baptized at the age of 7, but after turning 14, I told the Lord I wanted to check out the secular world. In other words, I became involved in alot of sinfulness. Believe me; I tried practically everything the world (satan) had to offer. I became extremely rebellious, but at the same time, always felt very guilty of my sin deep down, resulting in prayer to the Lord to forgive me of my sins. I did realize eventually that being in the world never brings peace. Even though my mind was fixed more on the secular than on my relationship with Jesus Christ, I still talked about Him to anyone who would listen. I recall people looking at me so bewildered, while very drunk and dancing wildly at a night club, as I'm sharing with my dance partner what Jesus has done in my life. Do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation and nothing wrong with dancing. King David danced alot before the Lord, so I do too. My point is was not that a wonderful example of God's grace...No! There is difference between "just believing" versus "living believing." I am now living believing, which means I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He's no longer just a thought; He is my friend. I like to refer this as my daily walk with Jesus. In my early 30s, as I was learning more about the power of the Lord and His gifts, I wanted to have the gift of God's "extra" power. Even though receiving that kind of spiritual power frightened me, I prayed anyway, asking the Lord to fill me with His Holy Spirit. At that very second, God answered my prayer. Upon receiving the gift of tongues, I prayed in the Spirit for four hours. I had never prayed that long in my life. God also gave me a vision of billions of people praying around His mountain, which I would understand its meaning later. Soon thereafter, God called me into the ministry. I also learned about God's prophets. While attending a Wednesday night church service, a prophet was preaching a sermon about how much the Lord loves us. During that sermon, my mind wondered as to my significance in the Lord. Just as the thought crossed my mind, the prophet stopped preaching immediately, pointed directly at me, and said, "The Lord says, "You are significant! He has called you to be a prayer warrior." What a moment of faith building and a confirmation from God about my vision of billions of people praying around His mountain! I also began to understand how very important prayer is to fight our enemy, the devil. Within a few months, I began ministry work at that same church, Mount Paran Church of God in Atlanta, Georgia, before Head Pastor Dr. Paul Walker retired. At Mount Paran, I experienced many miracles of God - healings, people being born again, people freed from demons, etc. I loved working and being involved with that church. I worked as an Outreach Missions Coordinator with Pastor Mike Adkins. In that job, I coordinated what the missionaries in the field required. I worked in two posotions there, first as Coordinator, then later in the Music Outreach. As Coordinator, I assisted the domestic and foreign missionaries with their funding (donations made by members of the church), provided anything they needed to live, such as clothing, Bibles, ministry materials and counseling. When working in the music area, I helped coordinate music concerts inside and outside the church. One band was Mylon LeFevere. It was an excellent opportunity teaching youth to praise and glorify Jesus Christ, as well as provide fellowship to new youth believers. It also involved praying for and ministering to non-believers to accept Christ as their Savior. In both jobs, I referred people to free Christian psychiatric counseling and free ways to obtain food, clothing, Bibles, etc. Eventually, that music position was removed by church management, and I was offered an opportunty to work directly with Dr. Walker. I was not feeling the new offer was where God was calling me, resulting in a unique situation. While I was packing up my personal belongings to move to a new office, a Christian lady walked into my office and told me point blank, "You are supposed to come work with me." I thought it very odd, because I did not know that lady. Her name was Rujon Morrison. She proceeded to tell me that she was setting up a brand new Christian psychiatric facility named "Rapha," which comes from one of the names of God - Jehovah Rapha - the Lord Who Heals. God sure works in mysterious ways. Much to my surprise, the counseling I was doing at Mount Paran was what God used to compliment my next calling into ministry. When God closes a door, He opens another. After resigning from Mount Paran, I went directly to work in one branch of Rapha's Christian psychiatric treatment facilities located in Atlanta, Georgia. The program was later later moved Clearwater Beach, Florida, then to Tampa, Florida. I really enjoyed working with Rapha, as it's treatment program was not focused particularly on secular psychiatric treatment, but on Christ-centered care. It allowed patients to discuss God and Jesus Christ without be called insane for having a relationship with Jesus or feeling shameful about their faith. It included a Christian-based 12 step addiction treatment program too. The treatment plan was based on a book entitled, "The Search For Significance," written by Robert McGee, the gentleman who established the first Rapha facility in Houston, Texas. Again, God works in mysterious ways, as I had previously been searching for my significance in Him, He called me into a ministry to share His truth to others seeking their significance in Him! In the Rapha ministry, my responsibility was an Admissions Coordinator. My job was to assist an individual to discern whether or not they needed inpatient or outpatient care, plus share with them their significance in Christ. If their insurance did not cover psychiatric care and they needed free treatment, I referred them to trustworthy Christian psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors or ministries, who could treat them free or on a sliding scale basis. The free programs were ministries that helped with drug, alcohol, gambling and sex addictions, as well as family issues, generally any type of counseling needed by a patient. I also spent alot of time praying with many believers, who shared their stories about their heartaches, relationships, and other problems they were experiencing. When Rapha started to move its facilities to Tampa, I knew that my ministry there was complete. Thus, I began praying for God to open the next door. That prayer was answered within a few days. For reasons out of my control, I was forced to leave Florida and return home to Georgia. After leaving Rapha, I worked eight years in the legal field. I worked with the law firm Kilpatrick & Stockton, in Atlanta, Georgia, I eventually had to leave the law firm, because my health was deteriorating. After months of medical tests, in January 2000, I was finaly diagnosed and told that I was permanently disabled. I spent a few years recuperating, but never regained my strength. God was with me the entire period, and not once did I lose my faith in Him. He always provides my needs. During my time with the law firm, something happened that brought me to a very dark place in my life. It was so shocking and I never expected in to happen. My Granny had been ill for a very long time. The family had all said our goodbyes, and we were prepared for the Lord to call her home to heaven. In my last moments with her, I asked her if there was anything I could do for her. She had pretty lost her ability to speak, but the next thing she die is point upward toward the window and simply said, "Home." I knew she was ready to meet the Lord and I was at peace about her passing. A few days later, my Moma called and I assumed she was calling to let me know Granny had died. I was prepared for her passing, so the news wouldn't shock me. However, something I never expected did happen and it was horrible! I asked Moma, "Is it Granny?" She took a deep breath and replied, "No Honey, it's your Daddy." Upon hearing that, I screamed hysterically and uncontrollably began to sob. No...No...No! Not Daddy! I was told I feel to the floor in screaming agony, but I don't remember what happened that day at all. The next few days were a blur to me. My Daddy and I were extremely close. His death not only took me by surprise, but my heart felt physically broken. It just felt indescribly full of pain. I had never experienced such a feeling of hurt, grief and despair. The grief was beyond what I could bear. I did not know if that horrible pain would ever leave me. Prior to his death, Daddy and Moma had driven down to Atlanta, Georgia where I lived at the time in April that year to celebrate my birthday. While visiting, Daddy and I had planned a fishing trip (something we had not done in years) and I was so excited about driving up to North Georgia (where my parents had retired) to enjoy some alone time with him and fish together at one of his favorite spots. Sadly, this would never happen and I was extremely angry with the Lord for taking Daddy away from me too soon. It's much harder to deal with a loved one's death when it's unexpected than when we've come to terms with someone that we know will be going home to the Lord. The day of my Daddy's wake, I was taking a shower before getting ready to drive to his funeral. My heart was still in powerful pain. As I was showering, I became angrier and angrier as my sobbing was so profound I was having to catch my breath. I can't begin to describe that pain and pray never to feel it again. The longer I stood there, the harder I sobbed and the angrier I became. I started screaming at the Lord, "Why did you take my Daddy away from me? We were just planning to spend some time together, and now he's dead!" It only seemed like a few seconds after that I felt this overpowering peace sweep over me. I knew immediately was I was feeling was the Holy Spirit, because I had experienced Him so many other times in my life. God's love is so unconditional and merciful, but I definitely didn't want to feel His presence, because I was still so angry. As His peace came, I audibly heard a still small voice whisper to me, "Praise Me." I answered the Lord, "How can I praise you when you took my Daddy?!" Again, I heard Him softly say, "Praise Me." (Our Father sure does have patience when it comes to His children.) So, I began to obey Him and started singing through clenched teethc a praise song: "Praise the name of Jesus, Praise the name of Jesus. He's my Rock, He's my Fortress, He's my Deliverer. In Him shall I trust. Praise the name of Jesus." Within seconds, I began to audibly hear other voices join with me singing the same song! And, more and more voices joined in! I knew beyond doubt the angels of the Lord were singing with me! The next thing that happened was I was somehow lifted up to heaven! An angel was standing to the left of me and I knew that he had brought me. I looked around and we were standing on a top level between two huge columns of the most beautiful white marble, and as I looked down, I saw that marble as huge steps leading down to the Father's throne room. The beauty of what was before my eyes is indescrible! I turned back to look at the angel and he swept his hand downward to the throne room and pointed out my Daddy. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw him worshipping the Lord on his knees with his face turned toward the floor with his crown in front of him. The floor was magnificent. I looked like the whitest, blueist water running with lightening through it. I then lifted my eyes toward the throne and saw the Father on His throne, but He wasn't in a body, He shown with a piercing, pure white lightening, and Jesus was standing at His right hand! I can't describe the beauty and magnificence, because it is beyond my ability. I was later told that someone I cared for had been praying while I was showering that the Lord would show me the glory of my Daddy's salvation. Did God ever answer his prayer! My goodness, what the Lord showed me was beyond miraculous! The next thing I realized, I was back in the shower, but all, and I mean all, of my pain had lifted from my heart. I was actually feeling joy! It was amazing to me how great God is to us and how much He loves me to share that glorious time with Him and my Daddy worshipping. To this day, I still have joy whenever someone I love is called home. It's like there is no more grief for me to bear. I do cry because I miss them, but the pain is nothing like what I experienced prior to seeing heaven. With that miracle, let's return to my ministry work. As a result of not being able to work a 9 to 5 job any longer, I decided to start my own business. I worked out of my home, as my illness allowed it. I used this opportunity to share the gospel with many state and county regulators, builders, manufacturers, engineers, soil scientists, competitors, and potential customers, as well as my clients. I also taught continuing education classes at various conferences and at Georgia State University, whenever the county or state regulators called upon me to do so. I was enjoying the teaching, but as my health continued to deterioate, I knew it would not be long until I would have to obtain Social Security disability benefits and completely stop working. Regrettably, the opportunity to obtain SS benefits had to be put on hold, because when the recession hit in 2008, I had to focus on closing down my business. All but one of my clients lost their businesses too. Some were so depressed that they committed suicide. It was an extremely sad and hard time in my life. So many people were hurting and they needed someone they could trust to talk to about losing their business. The people I knew had worked decades to build their companies and their businesses collapsed on in a matter of months. That recession brought me from riches to rags very quickly too, and I began to wonder how I would be able to make a living with my disability. I did keep my faith, however, knowing that the Lord had something else for me. I wondered what is next Lord? While living in West Georgia in my early 40s (where my business was located), I spent many Sundays searching for a church in the Bible belt that offered great spiritual fellowship and an anointed preacher of God. Sadly, my search was futile. I couldn't understand why no church in a rural area of west Georgia was never about teaching God's truth, but always about money or being "slain in the spirit." I do believe that God gives us His Holy Spirit to reside within us the second we become born again. However, I do know that much more power is needed from God in order to fulfill our calling. We need to seek the "baptism" in the Holy Spirit, which (some will disagree) is a separate filling of the Spirit for wisdom, power, guidance, and fire to share the gospel, such as the laying on of hands for His healing. I believe that this is evidenced by speaking in tongues. God gave me this gift years ago in order to be a prayer warrior. As a result of His gift, I have absolutely no shame of spreading the gospel or any fear of death! Praise the Lord God Almighty! For a few years in my endless search to find a balanced church, it eventually became futile. I had visited every church within a 25 mile radius and still did not feel right about any of them. I could not understand why there was not one church in a rural area of West Georgia, simply teaching God's truth, but always preaching about how much money should be donated, the "name it and claim it" "give me money syndrome" or what I call snake writhing (some call it being "slain in the spirit." As believers and ambassadors for Christ, we are to set an example. Some church members pretend to worship God without using any common sense. Pride can overcome an individual, because they just want to be noticed. They will act so silly in their flesh, like falling down or crawling on the floor, shaking their body in contorted ways, or writhing like a snake (being slain in the spirit is what they call it; I call it, the devil got the better of you). These actions are not of God! If the Holy Spirit is in control, this would not happen. He would never force a person act so silly, because He is a gentleman. Sadly, I cannot count how many times I was so embarrased or ashamed to watch that kind of clown show. May the Lord in His mercy rebuke them! I believe that God gives us His Holy Spirit to complete our salvation the second we become born again and thereafter baptised in water. However, I do know that in order to fulfill the Lord's calling into the ministry, it requires much more power to attack the schemes of the devil. If you study the book of Acts about Pentecost, you will understand what I mean. I believe that the extreme power of God is a "seperate action called the infilling," of the Holy Spirit. Some may disagree and that is fine, but I will ask you to ask God about it, before agreeing with anyone who claims that God's gifts were only for the 12 apostles. In my opinion, this gift of the infilling, is given to us for extra spiritual wisdom, power, guidance, and fire to share the Lord's truth and to be open to being led by His Spirit by not allowing our flesh to lead us. I believe that this is evidenced by speaking in tongues. I was afraid when I first asked the Lord for this gift, but then I felt a peace come over me that I had never experienced. God blessed me with the gift years ago in order to be a prayer warrior, but to also to have the power of Him to couragesly share the gospel of Jesus Christ, discern the spirits - whether good or bad, and the freedom and power to pray against demonic oppresion and possession. As a result of His gift, I have absolutely no fear in doing His mission. I sometimes suffer with insomnia due to a disability, or whenever my heart is extremely burdened with something I just can't put my finger on, so I pray in the Spirit. After attending the last church where I was living at the time to ascertain whether or not it was under God's anointing or under man's flesh, and was growing desperate to understand why there were no "God fearing, truthful Biblical teachers." While struggling in prayer (I couldn't sleep and it was 4:00 AM), I began to hear from God audibly. His message is in the video, An Old Woman's Prayer. I pray it message brings you peace in your search for a decent church, as well as bring a message to believers that God isn't too happy with many of us, especially the type of prayer we do to reach Him. The Lord's will always be done in His timing and in His choosing what He will provide. In the meantime, we should focus more on praising and glorifying Him for what He does for us and less on wanting money, "The love of money is the "root" of all evil." Don't you agree? I started my own website ministry called Finding The Church. I traveled throughout the US, fulltime in an RV, for a few years, starting from Georgia and traveling out West to Washington and settling in Oregon awhile. I loved giving out a booklet of the gospel of John, my favorite book in the Bible, because it shows who Jesus Christ was, is and will be to the world - our Lord and Savoiur, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My latest calling from God started ten years ago. My mission is to expose the deep state corruption, treason, their crimes against humanity, satanic worship, and the fake news propoganda machine. I desperately tried to share these truths as much as possible, which even made some of my family and friends angry with me. Because of my righteous anger against those who commit such nefarious acts and the truth needing to be revealed about what they have done to our precious innocent children is my main reason for obeying the Lord. In God's Word, it shows Jesus Christ in righteous anger when he over-turned the money changers' tables and whipped them away from His Father's temple. As ambassadors for Christ, are we not to do the same? Ephesians 5:11, as commanded by God states, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Thus, I am exposing those I have researched for decades, because I know beyond a shadow of doubt it is the truth. Since God gave us a free will, one can choose to believe or not. Whether you agree or not with these truths, I will contine to obey Him. In addition, while involved with these ministries, I've experienced and was involved in demonic oppression and possession. I was never scared, because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Praise the Lord for His mercy and deliverance! My favorite book in the Bible is the gospel of John in the New Testament, which thoroughly explains almost everything anyone could want to know about the Son of God, Jesus Christ. My favorite Scripture verses is written in the first chapter of John, verses 1-5, and states: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the Light of all mankind. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Glory to God! He is bringing satan's darkness into His light! Keep the faith believers and be at peace. No matter how horrible life becomes or how much the devil attacks you, the battle can be overcome! God's Word states, "... in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us." Romans 8:47; "They are the ones who kept the faith and finished the race. Messiah warned us, “In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” John 16:33; and "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba Father'. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." Romans 8:15-17. Pray for God's whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. Never forget, the Lord always wins. In conclusion, my married name is Judy Rivers. I'm a Bible believing, gun loving, Texas born, Southern lady raised in Georgia and now living in Alabama; a passionate Patriot, who loves President Trump, the US Military and America. I agree with all freedom of speech, whether I like it or not. I don't have to listen to it, nor do I have to read it. I will never be a politically correct coward. As a digital warrior, I was permanently banned from Twitter and returned when it changed ownership to X. I have lost count as to how many times I was shadow banned or served 30-day jail terms by Facebook. I consider being censored "my badge of honor" to serve the Lord and my country. I will expose and fight evil and injustice, until I take my last breath! If you are interested in doing so more reading, check out my articles and opinions on these platforms:
Videos exposing the lies, Evil, Propaganda, Misinformation and revealing truth about the New World order, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood, Music, Medical and ALL other system of Babylon The Great that are used to keep people ignorant, uninformed and in Slavery of mind and Spirit.
the ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks He believes that God gives life to all creatures. the miracle of life eternal/everlasting life. 2 : the period of time when a person is alive She knew what she wanted to do early in life.
In this I am going to show you the truth that we never knows/the videos about how love can change your life#how you come back to life when your heart is kind#life is beautiful love each other life is too short#life is too short to make things right,
Pursuing truth in everything.
You tell me. I am still waiting for an answer myself.
General information provided by The Doc
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