Master Lama Rasaji Verified


Master Lama Rasaji works with a select group of individual students. These students meet or speak with Rasaji in private sessions weekly , and also practice the Tai Chi Gung exercises. (See Store for more information. Live streamed classes at His private students come from all walks of life. Most are focused on overcoming any and all obstacles. They know and live abundance in every aspect of their lives: health, finances, relationships and service to the world. "As a private student of Master Lama Rasaji\'s for many years, I highly encourage you to go ahead and reach out to him. Send him an email. Introduce yourself." Master David Paul Email:

Gary Ma Wing Chun


Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I’m a Wing Chun instructor based in Montreal, Quebec. I created this channel for it to serve as a visual notebook for my students, and whoever may find it useful. So, if you'd like more of my deep dives into the art and system of Wing Chun, consider subscribing. Born into Wing Chun to a 2nd generation student of the Ip Man lineage, I started learning Siu Lim Tau as soon as I learned to walk. Fast forward to 2012, inspired by a few eager individuals, I began teaching my own group of students the art and system of Wing Chun in Montreal; continuing the legacy that my father started in this city back in 1978. As a martial artist, I am a traditionalist at heart. But, one who understands that adaptation is key to survival. So, you won’t find your regular run-of-the-mill Wing Chun presented here. Instead, you’ll find Wing Chun’s time-tested concepts presented along side what I believe to be its necessary evolution. Welcome to Gary Ma Wing Chun.