Hutchings Health


Andrew Anthony Hutchings is a health, fitness, and medical expert who holds a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and is not a licensed physician at this time. Nothing he says is medical advice. Andrew began studying the human body at age 10 with fitness and psychology but by age 13 became focused on the molecular workings of the body. Andrew realized at the time that in order to alter the functions of the body, drugs need to be synthesized, so he went on to learn chemistry until he was able to synthesize drugs. He received a full scholarship to study chemistry at the University of California Irvine, and studied chemistry and biology, but changed the name of his degree from Chemistry, to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology before graduation as he felt it was more representative of his knowledge and interest. Andrew has been forced to become an expert on healing and optimizing health due to constant injuries and illnesses in his late teenage years and early twenties. Despite having been through full body organ failure, cracking nearly every bone in his body, tearing countless tendons and ligaments, and breaking cartilage, Andrew has persevered and remained an athlete, competing in bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions, earning the title master of sport for powerlifting in Russia. His ultimate goal though is to lead a long healthy and able life. Hopefully he can help you to do the same!

Starsky és Hutch (3.szinkron)


A rendhagyó zsarupáros az egyéni öltözékével, a furcsa figurákból álló baráti körével, valamint a veszélyes helyzetekben tanúsított bátorságával és rátermettségével hívta föl magára a figyelmet. Kivételes, sajátos humorú fickók ők, és remek rendőrök, akik elképesztő magabiztossággal gyűjtik be a veszélyes elemeket, számolnak le a rablókkal, tolvajokkal, gyilkosokkal és kábítószer-kereskedőkkel. A jellegzetes, piros-fehér Ford sportkocsijuk mindenhol felbukkan, ahol szükség van rájuk, annak rendje-módja szerint befűtenek a rosszban sántikálóknak.



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