Lifelong Patriot & Longtime Police Wife


Lifelong Patriot & longtime Police Wife, Elsa Kurt has channeled her fierce love and passion for defending the defenders as the creator, Executive Producer & Host of the Elsa Kurt Show , correspondent and media personality for Right America Media & Law Enforcement Today. Her book, Welcome to the Family (Life Behind the Thin Blue Line) has been called the “must have survival guide for new LEO spouses.” The vocal LEOF advocate is also a multi-genre author who has penned over 25 books, including twelve contemporary women’s novels.

Natureba Curas Naturais


Aqui no Natureba você vai ver receitas naturais e informações sobre saúde e bem estar. O acompanhamento de um profissional da área de saúde é fundamental para uma boa saúde. O Natureba é um espaço informativo, de divulgação e educação com temas relacionados a saúde, nutrição e bem-estar. As informações e sugestões contidas nos vídeos têm caráter meramente informativo, não devendo ser utilizado como substituto de diagnóstico ou diagnóstico médico sem antes consultar um profissional de saúde - médicos, nutricionistas, psicólogos, profissionais de educação física e outros especialistas. OBS: Remédios naturais também tem efeitos colaterais, já que agem de formas diferentes em cada organismo, por isso antes de usar qualquer tratamento alternativo consulte sempre seu médico.

Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen


This channel features the daily Fight To Win TV broadcasts from Kurt Owen Ministries. New episodes are available each weekday morning. Fight To Win TV is a unique, daily Christian television show that features practical Bible teaching as well as tactical tips to keep you and your family safe helping you Fight To Win in life. Pastor Kurt Owen has been in ministry for 30 years and has traveled to more than 30 nations. He uses his specialized experience in executive protection and tactical training to reach people with practical Bible teaching. This powerful teaching ministry will help you in your day-to-day life to walk in all that Jesus has purchased for you as you learn to Fight To Win. Learn More at

Abba's Creations Photography -- Wall Mural Photography


Abba's Creations Photography features the work of Landscape photographer, John Freeman. As a landscape photographer, John specializes in Gigapixel Fine Art Wall Mural photos. Giga-Pixel images are images with at least 1 Billion pixels. Creating images of this size requires shooting a minimum of anywhere from 50 to 150 images with a high resolution camera. Shooting this style of photo requires a great deal of skill and patience along with a powerful custom built computer to stitch the images together. The reward is, when completed, you have photos that can be printed very large while retaining stunning detail. On this channel, John provides tutorials on how to shoot this style of photos. One of the things I always try to be aware of, is when I look through the view finder, that the image I see is, in every case, the handy work of our Creator. As I frame my shot and prepare to take a photo, it is always in the back of my mind that I am capturing His handiwork. I strive to honor Him with every photo I take by doing my best to take a photo that exhibits the wonder of our Creator's awesome creation.