Sasquatch Awareness Project


Mission Statement Educate, inform and increase the awareness of the general public and outdoor enthusiast from all walks of life that the creature known as Sasquatch/Bigfoot does exist. Assist and support those who have had encounters with the Sasquatch by providing a forum where questions, concerns, and experiences can be discussed without the fear of criticism, ridicule, or condemnation. Provide assistance to those who have had their lives disrupted by an encounter with the Sasquatch and help people better cope with the experience and restore as much normalcy as possible to their lives.

Kurosawa & Mifune movies


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998. This channel has all 30 movies made by Akira Kurosawa and 48 with Toshiro Mifune. Years of searching to find these, a true goldmine and found nowhere else on the net! All movies also found at Please send your prayers for Kurosawa and Mifune for making these movies for us all to enjoy. My other channel I run is Welcome! Thanks to Rumble for being the last free speech video platform and standing up for our liberty!