QueenBDivine's The cure is conversation podcast that examines mental health and provides a mental health break with the support of original music, video and podcast and more. Follow her journey as she share the her secrets ------- -How to stay positive in a hectic world -How to let go of the past taking only what you need -As well as taking care of your mental health lessons and stories that will help guide and propel you forward despite life\\\'s heartbreaks.......because it is all about the journey.

Kevin's Biblical Discussions


Christian channel devoted to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. if you would like to contact me here is my email I do Bible studies and go over various topics and have discussions with people that agree and disagree with me. It's my goal to to share the gospel to the lost. My streams are usually open so feel free to join in on the conversation when I'm live. I believe that there is one God that is Three co-equal, co-eternal persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in the virgin birth I believe that Jesus went to the cross to atone for the sins of the world. What he did only applies to those who have believed on him. Once you have come to Christ he gives you eternal life and you will never perish. So in order to call yourself a Christian you must believe that Jesus is God, You must Believe in his life, death and Resurrection and you must believe that he gives Eternal Life to his children my cash app $allmight86