LMCI Muslim 사랑 Islam 비판


무사이비 무슬림 사랑 이슬람 비판은 LMCI에 의해 채널 개설이 되었습니다.\n이 채널은 이슬람, 꾸란, 선지자 무하마드에 관한 진실에 대해 알아봅니다.\n우리의 뜻은, 이슬람을 사실인가 알아보고 비판을 하되 예수님의 사랑과 복음으로 무슬림들에게 다가가기 원합니다.\n\nLMCI (Love Muslims Critique Islam) is a channel founded by LMCI.\nThe channel investigates the claims of Islam regarding the Quran and the prophethood of Muhammad.\n\nThe intention is to examine and critique the validity of Islam\'s claims yet to approach the Muslims with the gospel and the heart of Christ.

Shining star,s of Islam


"Shining Stars of Islam" are beacons of hope and guidance, illuminating the path to righteousness and truth. Like radiant stars in the night sky, they sparkle with the light of knowledge, wisdom, and compassion, inspiring others to follow their example. With hearts full of faith and souls full of kindness, these shining stars embody the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the wisdom of the Quran. They shine bright with: - Iman (faith) that guides them through life's challenges - Ilm (knowledge) that illuminates their understanding - Ihsan (excellence) that elevates their character - Taqwa (piety) that guards their hearts and actions Like stars, they shine in various ways, each with their unique light: - Some shine through their wisdom and scholarship - Others through their compassion and charity - Some through their courage and perseverance - Others through their creativity and innovation Together, these Shining Stars of Islam form a constellation of inspiration, guiding humanity towards the divine and fostering a brighter future for all.