Welcome to Last Century POP Concerts Which live performance touched you back in the day? What epic live gigs impressed you the most? These POP concert music videos, especially from the last century, take you back to the Land of Oz like Dorothy's whirlwind. Last Century Music Videos is the home of popular music, featuring iconic music videos from the greatest music legends of all time. If you enjoy watching and listening to these great live concerts music videos, I welcome you to join these ever expanding Last Century Music Channels for your Entertainment -> - Music Videos ( POP ) ---> Pop music from every year since the thirties = -- POP Concerts ( GIG ) ---> Concert music videos and live gigs of many genres on Rumble = --- POP Stars ( ALL ) ---> Great music video collections from arguably all the best musicians = ----- Strange Stuff ( ODD ) ---> Exciting odd stuff you might never have seen except on Rumble = Please share and follow these channels and help making Last Century Music the biggest Rumble music video spot in this galaxy.



We design and build novel hydration and thermoregulation technologies that weaponize temperature to increase work capacity and offer a decisive advantage to anyone working in challenging environments. One of the greatest strengths of humanity is the ability to create tools to realize our grandest dreams and audacious visions. We build for American Security and American Prosperity. To empower people to realize their full potential in everything they do. This is our journey. Join us. MIL + LE | SPORT | Safety + Devices | Aviation

Tactical Performance Center


TRAIN WITH US IN 2024! Shooting is both an art and a science. It uses the laws of physics, motor learning and behavior, and human psychology. Defensive shooting, in addition to the above, utilizes the laws of armed conflicts learned over many years. Our goals are to get you to think about your shooting performance, apply the principles of science, and peak performance to your shooting, and become aware of things you may not have known before or were really not applying correctly. “I am a strong believer in the philosophy of not only teaching strong principles and techniques but also teaching students to become self-aware of what they are doing and how they are doing it. Along with that is learning to analyze their performance of the skill and explore alternative ideas to find the best way for each individual.” - Ron Avery, Co-Founder of TPC



The transformation is happening, whether we like it or not. We are changing as individuals and as part of the bigger picture. It may take time to adjust to our increasing intuition and abilities while being cautious of those who try to deceive us or hold us back. We are becoming more sensitive, which leads to confrontations with our environment. With her videos, Mirjam inspires, guides and challenges you to stand your ground and become who you intend to be.

Human Organisations, Cooperative Economics and Democratic Societies, Vision and Mission that drives genuine society development and transformation. Just societies and Holistic living.


The Search for Societies that exist to serve and build their human citizens and are founded on the core values of Justice, Mercy, Faith, in culture, values, economics, social structures, human rights and values, care for the least and humility of the powerful. Examples of societies that have created true societies that serve mankind.

SkitWorld: Hilarious Skits, Comedy Sketches & Fun Performances 🎭😂


Welcome to SkitWorld, the ultimate destination for hilarious skits, comedy sketches, and fun performances! 🎭😂 If you're looking for non-stop laughter, witty humor, and funny characters, you’re in the right place! From original skits to comedic parodies, SkitWorld brings you a variety of entertaining content that’s sure to brighten your day. Tune in for side-splitting moments, funny dialogues, and laugh-out-loud sketches every week! Ready for some laughs? Subscribe now and join the fun! 🎉 #ComedySkit #FunnyVideos #SketchComedy #Humor #ComedyChannel #SkitComedy

Transformiere dein Bewusstsein - Geistiges Heilen der neuen Zeit


Heilkraft finden und erkennen Die Deutsche Heilerschule U.G. in Seefeld im Großraum München genießt vor allem durch ihre renommierten und geprüften Dozenten ein hohes Ansehen und Anerkennung im weiten Feld der Geistheilung in Deutschland. Die Verbindung von Spiritualität und Naturwissenschaft ist unser Ziel. Nicht viele Geistheiler-Schulen liegen in einer so traumhaften Umgebung wie die unsere. Die direkte Nähe zum wunderschönen Ammersee in Oberbayern lässt viel Raum für Spiritualität, innere Einkehr und Entspannung bei der Teilnahme an unseren vielfältigen Angeboten. Ob Sie sich für eine Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder Quantenheilung interessieren oder an einer Massageausbildung teilnehmen möchten - unsere Seminare und Schulungen halten sicherlich das Richtige für Sie bereit. Spiritualität und Heilung Das Thema Geistheilung gewinnt in unserer hektischen und technischen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. In jedem von uns schlummert eine spirituelle Begabung, sie muss nur erkannt und gefördert werden. Unsere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Seefeld im Bereich der Geistheilung, Quantenheilung und Geistheiler-Ausbildung sind vielfältig und zielführend. Ein großes spirituelles Spektrum der Geistheiler-Schulen wird hierbei abgedeckt. Unsere Ausbildung zur Quantenheilung ist genauso zertifiziert wie die Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder die Massageausbildung. Alle Heilerausbildungen werden durch ein Zertifikat beglaubigt. Die Ausbildung zur Geistheilung und der Quantenheilung sowie die Massageausbildung schließen nach erfolgreicher Prüfung mit dem Zertifikat der DHS ab. Wir informieren Sie gerne über die Möglichkeiten einer Geistheiler-Ausbildung an unserer Schule in Seefeld.