End Time Headlines
8,275 FollowersNews and Headlines From a "Prophetic Perspective"
News and Headlines From a "Prophetic Perspective"
Life is an Adventure and Love is the Key.
日本精神を発信する『音楽外交使節団』 2012年10月、シーラ ・Eが⽴ち上げたStilettoflats Music (米国)より世界デビュー。 グラミー賞9回受賞のゴスペル界のキング、アンドレ・クラウチが 唯一プロデュースを手がけている『世界でたった一つのエンターテイメント一座 』。 ツインボーカルのマレ&クミコを中⼼に、ドラム、ベース、キーボード、サックスなどの洋楽器に、尺⼋、篠笛、和太鼓、津軽三味線などの和楽器を加えた総勢14名によって構成されている。 さらに殺陣や忍者、在米黒人ラッパーやタップダンサーなどが加わり壮⼤なステージが創り上げられる。 千古不易の日本のソウルと、HIP HOP / R&Bが融合し、GOSPELのスピリットで紡ぎ出されるマジックがここにある。 「民間音楽外交」事業として、アメリカ、台湾、アラブ首長国連邦(ドバイ)で、国際交流基金支援事業として、イスラエル、エチオピア、エリトリアで、公演を行い大好評を博す。 国内では、大和魂エデュテイメントと称してエンターテイメント(entertainment)でありながら、教育(education)として機能するLIVEイベント「BRIDGE」をプロデュース。 各回ごとのテーマに沿って、HEAVENESEの音楽と、まるで『講談師』のようだと評される座長マレのドキュメンタリー・トーク、そしてコントやスキットによる笑い、さらには、涙が溢れる感動秘話などの要素が複合的にからみあい、ドラマチックな歴史絵巻として展開する。 2011年の東日本大震災への支援活動にも取り組んでおり、被災地での演奏をはじめ、 2011年から3年にかけて続くアメリカツアーにおいても岩手県陸前高田市の後援を受け、 世界に向けた被災地の情報発信の一端を担っている。 HEAVENESE http://heavenese.jp/ HEAVENESE オフィシャルファンクラブ https://club-heavenese.jp/ HEAVENESE BRIDGE 後援会 fb.me/heavenesebridge
Dr. Kevin Reese has helped thousands of people reclaim their health since 2010. He has a PhD in nutrition and certificates in other modalities such as postural alignment therapy and detoxification. He's the author of 8 books and has appeared as a guest on many podcasts and media outlets. Dr. Reese is considered the ONLY head-to-toe healer in the world due to his ability to work with any non infectious chronic condition. His Reversal System has produced mind-blowing healing results which have been documented on video.
Conferences and Breaking News featuring Guests who Speak The Truth About Our America
The Center for the Advancement of Humanity is an organization dedicate to studying and researching key subjects related to helping all of Humanity co-create a peaceful world. Our Center is spiritually based and aligned and we will be offer a variety of information, products and services to share the most powerful and empower wisdom and knowledge about various world mysteries, the true history of our world and our innate spiritual and dimensional nature. If you wish to know more about the center (May 2022), as it is in the process of being created, email the founder, Joshua Shapiro at: joshuashapiro417@gmail.com or free free to visit our telegram channel at: https://t.me/Center4AdvofHumanity
Headwind makes documentaries on social themes and press independence is their main motive.
But Heaven is not remaining idle. God is warning us to prepare... not for the end of the world, but for the end of an era. Through His Son Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother He is preparing his wayward children for his ultimate act of divine intervention. He is preparing us for His final warning, an Illumination of Conscience.
extraordinary people talking about not-so-ordinary things- over tea.... I inspire human beings to become their full selves: "Activating Human Potential". Whether this be through developing psychic and spiritual gifts, your voice and sound frequencies, through acting, dance, writing, growing or envisioning- I am here, happily activating my full self for the benefit of humanity. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dr.isabelaimee
Sharing about what I have experienced in Heaven with Jesus
News of what's really going on around the world for Freedom Lovers, and Preppers.
Catch Gossip, Life Chats, & More On Ya Girl Renae's Stationhead. audio Podcast Only: Enjoy!
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Help us by liking, sharing and subscribing our videos. Our goals are many but mainly direct outreach to some of the most tortured people in the history of the world. Since there is no underground railroad for neuroweapons human trafficked individuals commonly referred to as T.Is someone needs to start to build it. With your help we can save ourselves first and then the world from the cascading darkness of tyrants obsessed with making technocratic slaves. Vax-injured and the general public need to know the truth of what they're up against. It is our secondary objective to educate them on their predicament and how to survive it. God Bless you all.
The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations.
Where the heavy metal, hard rock and hardcore punk underground lives!!!
SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball is a Veteran Owned and Operated Channel. Located up here at Freedom Radio, on Hilltop 30, overlooking the beautiful Rappahannock river in Rednecksburg, Virginia, broadcasting at 150,000 Watts of pure Heavy Metal power! Keep your horns held high and that volume knob cranked to 11. This is your...HEADBANGERS BALL!
Chat\\\'s about Life and Spiritual things from the Bible. Christian based. If you like this channel, you might like my other channel Matthew_Henrys_Commentary
This series is an on-going investigation into the modern medical industrial complex, how it operates, and examines its ancient and occult origins. Be prepared for some massive dot-connections, red-pill moments, and a 40,000 foot view of the goings-on in today's human experience. Are you ready? https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
Reactions and more!
Videos from Senator Ron Johnson's panel of doctors and other medical experts discussing COVID-19 and vaccines.
Just an average everyday Xer that just can\'t keep quiet anymore. I started this channel because after years of not even owning a television, I was kinda forced into watching all kinds of media, due to everyone\'s health and a complication of my own on top of that. I notice that aside from a few people that I follow and listen to, all other media outlets are in it for the ratings. I hope to grow big enough to include everyone\'s take on a live call in talk show. Starting goal is to post every Saturday and more as we grow, adding more stories, information and even live feeds. Stay tuned and don\'t forget to support my work. Please see the intro video, then like, share Subscribe and donate. Here https://paypal.me/LDGHWIH Any amount helps and will enable me to continue to bring you my news analysis and opinions. You can also send me something snail mail to LDG P.O. Box 731 Cleveland TX 77328 Will update as more information arises and we get underway.
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