KHÔNG PHẢI KÊNH CHỐNG CỘNG MÀ LÀ ĐẨY LÙI MỌI DẠNG CỘNG SẢN RA KHỎI VIỆT NAM CỘNG HÒA VĨNH VIỄN. GIẢI PHÁP: DÙNG KẾT ƯỚC QUẤC TẾ (02/3/1973) ĐỂ XÉT XỬ NHỮNG VI PHẠM HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973 VÀ THỰC THI HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973. --- TUỔI TRẺ QUẤC GIA ỦNG HỘ: A. TUYÊN NGÔN HÒA BÌNH (TNHB). Thông tin chi tiết tại: www.tuoitrequacgia.org/ Trang web Tuyên ngôn hòa bình và hướng dẫn cách ghi danh ủng hộ TNHB: https://bit.ly/3WQKjw7 B. GIẢI PHÁP VNCH dựa trên HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973 (gồm 03 văn kiện liên quan), chứ không chỉ có 01 văn kiện như trước giờ chúng ta từng biết: 𝟏. Hiệp Định Paris 1973 (Ký vào 27/01/1973) 𝟐. KẾT ƯỚC QUẤC TẾ 12 bên - The Act (Ký bởi 12 bên/thành phần vào 02/3/1973) 𝟑. Công Luật (Public Law) PL 93-559 (Ký bởi Tổng thống Ford vào 30/12/1974) Kính cảm tạ mọi sự ủng hộ và góp tay chia sẻ rộng rãi video của quí vị! Quý vị vui lòng bấm THEO DÕI (SUBSCRIBE) và kết nối với chúng tôi qua: FB: @tuoitrequacgia TW: @tuoitrequacgia YT: @tuoitrequacgia2610

Gaia’s Jam is a channel dedicated to giving you music and positive messages.


Gaia’s Jam is a channel dedicated to giving you music and positive messages. Meditation, Music and Affirmation to us are Pure Prayer and 432Hz is the resonant frequency of Gaia. This natural frequency for the note A was changed to a less natural or organic 440Hz in 1931 by the powers that be. I AM affirmations and positive messaging is the opposite to the fear-based sense of lack that modern living projects to us. We’re not suggesting de-evolving, we are just seeking to reclaim our connection to Gaia and our own resonant frequencies when we go into the stillness – where the magic of the universe unfolds. Our backgrounds give us the skills to create these works that we hope will open channels to YOUR real power and connection, so we can all enjoy the health, abundance and ability to create. If you get something from these works, please subscribe, share and comment, and do press the notification bell so you can get the latest releases. Also, see our other featured channels. Gratitude💜

Gus and Gia Puppet Show


Gus and Gia Puppet Show! (Episodes in the making, don't miss our first few episodes, be notified and subscribe now!) Gus being Gia's younger brother loves to pester his sis, crack jokes and just clown around. Gia being more serious about life, loves to read books and study all the while trying to keep her younger brother on the straight and narrow. From reading books and stories to having chit chats or having fun and educational imaginary trips from their playroom, these two personalities clash between a brother and sister in this comical and exciting new puppet show! Brought to you by AJLO Productions! "Producing great films and shows, & always entertaining"! A puppet show for adults and children to enjoy, family friendly and loved by all ages! Copyright 2022 AJLO Productions