Letters To My Unborn Grandchildren


The sharing of knowledge gleaned from a lifetime is the most valuable commodity one can bestow on the younger generations. Experiences are the best teacher, and when one can give the gift of knowledge in an increasingly complex world, both parties benefit.\\\\n\\\\nWe will discuss God, and religion as it pertains to our enlightenment, while casting aside any passage that might be considered dogmatic in our development as humans. My view of God is based on a science-based explanation of God\\\\\\\'s existence that has been developed over my five decades of life.\\\\n\\\\nLouis has written two novels; Erstwhile and There\\\\\\\'s Something in a Name. Erstwhile is a tale about how hanging on to one\\\\\\\'s past can not only destroy your future, but the one\\\\\\\'s you love most. There\\\\\\\'s Something in a Name is about finding true love by recognizing what a purely kind soul your mate possesses. You can purchase either of those books from Amazon. The links are below.https://www.amazon.com/Erstwhile-Louis-Berry/dp/1441423079/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=louis+berry+erstwhile&qid=1622387990&sr=8-1\\n\\nhttps://www.amazon.com/Theres-Something-Name-Louis-Berry/dp/1448663857/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=louis+berry+there%27s+something+in+a+name&qid=1622388067&sr=8-3\n\nMy wife and I also own a small website that sells natural skin care products. Our tagline is "In Harmoni With Nature." For our purposes we can also say that using natural products is getting closer to God. Our website is located at www.hnp.life\n​