A deeper dive into Silver, Gold, Platinum, Precious Metals Mining Stocks, World Events & a Touch of Humor. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE: Informational purposes only!! You Can Donate to RONS BASEMENT Here: https://www.paypal.me/RONSBASEMENT THANK YOU! You Can Donate To *COIN SHOP CHRIS* Here: https://www.paypal.me/CPARIS922 THANK YOU! --RONS BASEMENT "MERCH"-- 'Blindfolded BEAR' T-Shirts, Hats, Cups, etc... https://ronsbasementshop.myspreadshop.com/ CONTACT: RonsBasementSilver@gmail.com RonsBasementSuzie@gmail.com #silver, #silverprice, #gold, #goldprice, #ronsbasement, #stockmarket, #economy, #platinum, #federalreserve, #fed, #financialcrisis, #stackingsilver, #silverstacking, #goldmines, #wallstreet, #Goldandsilver, #silverandgold, #goldvssilver, #preciousmetals, #goldminingstocks, #silverstocks, #housingmarket, #crypto, #cryptocurrency, #crash, #stockmarket, #foodshortages, #bitcoin, #jeromepowell, #stagflation, #usdebt, #bullion, #economiccrisis, #prepper, #dedollarization, #stockmarketcrash #inflation

Ari Gold Experience


This podcast based youtube channel will produce the video version of the podcast that is shot in our podcast studio in Los Angeles. Ari Gold Experience podcast will encompass both monologue and dialogue conversations from all walks of life and space and their story on the subject of life, awareness and the space that each one of us shares in our own unique way in our own parallel reality as one collective consciousness. The core of the podcast will be conscious, unfiltered and crude humor, which will be embedded in each and every episode to deliver knowledge and entertainment effortlessly and intuitively. Enjoy the show beautiful people and let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s roll this bitch together as one. Stay Vibey, Much Love, - Ari Gold

Old Is Gold


Hi guys, Welcome to my channel "Restoration Circle" This channel is all about unique restorations, DIY, restoring vintage classics & antiques.and fixing things that are broken and other projects i hope you will enjoy. I like metal casting and I pay a lot of attention to the details of my projects. or making something new. So i have created this channel to share my work. If you have something to restore for me you can send me pictures of the item on Instagram or e-mail.

Rescueing Dogs, Investing & Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver!!!


Investing and Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold & Silver to Rescue Dogs Off The Street and Start a Sancturary/Rehabilitation! I am currently an Operations Manager and Volunteer Dog Rescuer. I have a Project Management Practitioner Certification and Bachelor\\\'s of Science in Business. My ultimate goal is to open a dog/animal sanctuary. A non-profit organization is the key to living my dream and Cryptocurrency will be involved every step of the way! If you have a big heart and love Dogs and Crypto, please subscribe! Keep Up The Grind!

Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania


"Scamatoriile Iosefinei": emisiune de dezvăluiri, analiză și pamflet despre clasa politică, difuzată la Radio Gold FM România. Realizatoare: Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio-tv și online). Ediții ale emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" de la Radio Gold FM Romania, în: - canalul video "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/user/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Radio Gold FM România: https://www.RadioGoldFM.ro/shows/lumea-i-cum-este - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Gold TV România: https://www.GoldTV.ro/categories/scamatoriile-iosefinei Articole scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: https://SolidNews.ro/?s=Iosefina+Pascal Lista articolelor scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: Clasamentul listelor la europarlamentare realizat de jurnalista Iosefina Pascal: Locul 1 - A.U.R., locul 2 - coaliția P.S.D.-P.N.L., locul 3 - A.D.U. https://solidnews.ro/clasamentul-listelor-la-europarlamentare-realizat-de-jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-locul-1-aur-locul-2-coalitia-psd-pnl-locul-3-adu Data postării articolului: 05.04.2024. Un nou atentat la siguranta nationala a Romaniei - distrugerea agriculturii prin interzicerea rachetelor antigrindina - "Fermierii" lui Florian Coldea https://solidnews.ro/un-nou-atentat-la-siguranta-nationala-a-romaniei-distrugerea-agriculturii-prin-interzicerea-rachetelor-antigrindina-fermierii-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 02.04.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 7: Ferma rușilor și legătura cu serviciile rusești, casa conspirativă a lui Coldea și imperiul imobiliar al caprelor mărunte https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-ferma-rusilor-si-legatura-cu-serviciile-rusesti-casa-conspirativa-a-lui-coldea-si-imperiul-imobiliar-al-caprelor-marunte Data postării articolului: 27.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 6: Mafia rusă, bani la sacoșă, bani în dulap, acte false, achizitii ilegale, biroul secret al lui Coldea https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-mafia-rusa-bani-la-sacosa-bani-in-dulap-acte-false-achizitii-ilegale-biroul-secret-al-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 22.03.2024. Jurnalista Iosefina Pascal demontează toate fake-news-urile „mini-marțienilor” NASA de la Buzău. Documente exclusive ! https://solidnews.ro/jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-demonteaza-toate-fake-news-urile-mini-martienilor-nasa-de-la-buzau-documente-exclusive Data postării articolului: 19.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 5: Mercenarii CryptoDATA si propaganda rusească https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-cincea-mercenarii-cryptodata-si-propaganda-ruseasca Data postării articolului: 11.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 4: Câmpul Tactic Digital din educație și infiltrarea instituțiilor https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-patra-campul-tactic-digital-din-educatie-si-infiltrarea-institutiilor Data postării articolului: 08.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 3: Influencerii lui Coldea și banii la sacoșă https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-treia-influencerii-lui-coldea-si-banii-la-sacosa Data postării articolului: 04.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 2: Documente uluitoare despre ferma din Buzău, afaceri cu păcănele, escrocherii internaționale și legăturile cu Rusia https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-doua-documente-uluitoare-despre-ferma-din-buzau-afaceri-cu-pacanele-escrocherii-internationale-si-legaturile-cu-rusia Data postării articolului: 29.02.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 1: Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate în sistemul de securitate al României https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-florian-coldea-cea-mai-mare-vulnerabilitate-in-sistemul-de-securitate-al-romaniei Data postării articolului: 26.02.2024. Misterioasa doamnă C., Vama, Florian Coldea... Și cei 39 de achitați ! https://solidnews.ro/misterioasa-doamna-c-vama-coldea-si-cei-39-de-achitati Data postării articolului: 22.02.2024. Ginerele lui Ioan Niculae, partener oficial la Untold Dubai. Tovarăș de masă cu Florian Coldea ! https://solidnews.ro/ginerele-lui-ioan-niculae-partener-oficial-la-untold-dubai-tovaras-de-masa-cu-coldea Data postării articolului: 16.02.2024. Biden, parcat cu raportul medical, ca să-i facă loc lui Michelle Obama. Putin, maestru de ceremonii https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-biden-parcat-cu-raportul-medical-ca-sa-i-faca-loc-lui-michelle-obama-putin-maestru-de-ceremonii Data postării articolului: 09.02.2024. Iosefina Pascal denunță neonazismul din Germania ! https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-denunta-neonazismul-din-germania Data postării articolului: 16.10.2023. Cozmin Gușă (jurnalist, analist politic și realizator de emisiuni la Radio Gold FM România) despre Iosefina Pascal: "Iosefina Pascal este - dupa părerea mea - cel mai harnic și mai competent jurnalist din noua generație, specializat în investigație de presă și interpretarea evenimentelor conform adevărului demonstrabil. Ea se alătură prestigioasei echipe de comentatori și analiști de la Gold FM și realizează emisiunea "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" (de luni până joi, de la orele 16), unde comentează precis, dar și cu umor, evenimentele semnificative ale perioadei." Cozmin Gușă despre Radio Gold FM România: "În toate emisiunile de la Radio Gold FM România este analizată critic realitatea politică, economică și socială, opiniile exprimate de invitați, în mod liber și potrivit convingerilor lor, fiind adesea de natură a corecta informațiile false sau tendențios interpretate de alți operatori din mass-media."



GOLD SHIELDS: True Crime, True Heroes, Real Stories Welcome to Gold Shields, where true crime stories, real-life heroes, and dangerous missions come to life. Each week, hear exclusive first-hand accounts from law enforcement and military veterans who lived through gripping crime investigations, high-risk operations, and moments of extraordinary bravery. 🔥 What You'll Get: True Crime Stories from real investigators Military Missions and Law Enforcement Heroics First-hand insider accounts and behind-the-scenes details Join us every week for thrilling true stories that will leave you wanting more. Subscribe now and get your backstage pass to the real heroes who make the world safer. 🔔 Subscribe & hit the bell to never miss an episode!

short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com


#DaamnTalk : An episodic series of interviews featuring the unique viewpoints, established perspectives & unpopular opinions of (extra)ordinarily Americans such as You. Message today! Found experimentally wherever social media is, experientially a community on 'Locals'.com , a blog on 'ThinkSpot' & centralized at daamntalk.com (where the following excerpt, (mission statement), can be found in it's entirety accompanied by the ' DT CommStan's ' and contact info to virtually feature on an episode! #DaamnKam "The year was 2021, fed up with the modern day book burnings within the book of faces & after having been shadow-banned more than Alex Jones had been regular-banned, seeing the 'free web's looming collapse into a privatization of information - a select group of TruthSeekers & LedgeWalkers decided enough was enough! From everywhere they flocked to contribute to DaamnTalk; free thinkers, revolutionaries, conspiracy theorists, philosophers, activists, occultists & everyone in between & outside the 'norm' – banning together as teachers & students alike all attempting to lighten the load, share the pain, shed the light, swap the surface and chase the truth- 'DaamnTalk' is primarily a podcast, short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com ...So, what'll we talk about(?) Anything. Everything. Even a little of nothing!!! Our motto is "People proceed information", because we, 'put folks before facts', however, we believe that the 'What' that's being discussed is More important than 'Who' is doing the discussing. Apply to feature on the show & join me as we deliver the viewers notable content in a simple, fast-paced, fun way; nothing's off limitwe're talking content that stands out during this wildly-wacky exhilarating & exciting, (admittedly frightening), age of politically-dividing attention-span-deficit tik-tok-timing’ - Please get the word out! Follow, become a Member on Locals, Share our channel, re-post This, Share & Share! *Anyone who appreciates the #joeroganexperience will vibe with our format & YOU can pick the content! (*Anything intellectually stunning, mind blowing, game changing, under-reported, misrepresented, or downright untrue! *Bring it our way & potentially feature on an episode!! *We promise to say whatever we daamn well believe. *We promise to defend your rights - to the same - and to disagree" message us today at daamntalk@gmail.com - DaamnKam (of) 'DaamnTalk', "Where People Proceed Information"



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