Rucka Rucka Ali
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Rucka Rucka Ali
A daily talk radio style show by Black men FOR Black men! We discuss the real on news, events, and what else - Black women, with incisive analysis & opinion. If you thought what I did over on YouTube was something, wait till you get a load of "Mumia Obsidian Ali Unleashed"!
Official Rumble Channel for Ali Alexander
Mufa Pufa will do everything possible to convey your joy and love, combined with special colors through the art of slime and other colorful things.
Entrevistas, periodismo, investigación, difusión, resistencia al relato único, anti-globalista, soberanista
3D animation about faith and religion
Hi there! I'm Lala. I'm a Catholic, Wife, and Mother. I enjoy streaming a variety of things from games to cooking, health and much more!
“The Sly Show” is an unpredictable, irreverent, unfiltered, inappropriate and insane talk show — SINCE 2004!
Homesteading and Gardening
Hi! I’m Alicia Rodriguez. I work as a Senior Software Engineer in one of the biggest Retail British Companies. I also worked as a UX and UI Designer. I love web Design and Development and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe to see videos about how to become a Software Engineer, and latest tools and technologies on your feed!
A Journey through my experiences with tech, gaming, and open source.
Nella mitologia sumera il termine Anunnaki (o Anunnaku), ossia "figli di An", indica l\'insieme degli dèi sumeri. Essi erano costituiti in un\'assemblea, presieduta da An, dio del cielo. Tale assemblea si componeva dei sette supremi, di cui facevano parte i quattro principali dei creatori (An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag), con l\'aggiunta di Inanna, Utu e Sin e di 50 dei minori, detti anche Igigi.Secondo Zecharia Sitchin gli Annunaki sarebbero degli alieni provenienti da Nibiru, un pianeta del nostro sistema solare. Secondo questa tesi avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civiltà umana e in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori di Nibiru, sin dall\'antichità, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. All\'inizio furono inviate delle sonde automatiche per verificare l\'abitabilità del nostro mondo. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita più vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione umana capeggiata da Enlil, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell\'Indo e la Mesopotamia
As part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we believe that the Christian Church is more than just a building. It’s a special bond between believers. It’s common ground, despite our differences. It’s coming together as children of God - united in Jesus Christ, our risen Savior. It’s unwavering accountability walking hand-in-hand with grace and mercy. It’s a safe and caring place to belong. Are we perfect? No. We’re just regular people, seeking to follow God’s will through learning His Word & doing the best we can to live it out. You won’t find any “perfect Christians” within our walls. But what you will find is a tight-knit family whose members cling to Christ’s promises and to each other as we walk through this crazy, wonderful life together.
We Upload Islamic Videos
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is a well-known Islamic scholar and speaker from Pakistan. He is known for his extensive knowledge of Islamic scripture and for his ability to deliver complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. He has gained a significant following on social media and YouTube, where he shares his lectures and teachings on various aspects of Islam, including Qur'anic studies, Islamic history, and contemporary issues facing Muslims. Mirza holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has also studied Islamic theology and law, allowing him to bridge the gap between science and religion in his teachings. His lectures have been praised for their clarity and depth of knowledge, making him a popular choice among Muslims seeking to deepen their understanding of their faith.
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Pushing back against the corporate media gaslighting machine, with an emphasis on Mississippi and the Gulf Coast.
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Welcome to the Vintage Christmas Lights UK Rumble Channel. We love celebrating all the classic Christmas lights from yesteryear. Our aim is to provide videos featuring the classic sets of Christmas Lights that were sold in the UK, how to fix and restore them, guides, tips, hints and guides. Plus videos of unique lights in operation and deep dives into our extensive Christmas Light Archive. Subscribe and show support for these great lights so we can keep them going for many more years to come.
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