1 Follower

Reclaim your life from TV, Corporate owned media News, and Culture of Greed/Hate. To combat the de-humanization of society we must raise our GOOD ENERGY and HELPING ONE ANOTHER. We must remain Feeling towards each other, and hold on to the memory of what it means to be human, to Love, Care about another person. One thing they cannot stand is someone being humane to another. Seeing someone care for another (without asking for (or expecting) anything in return), being kind/ respectful to each other is like kryptonite for them. Notice the media (Television, newspapers, gossip shows, movies, etc.) all enjoy showing horrific scenes of violence and hate. They enjoy watching us fight and harm one another. Their vested interest is us portraying and emulating those scenes. Prove them wrong! Links Do More Good Deeds!

A True Perspective: A Compass When You Need It & Your First Step Toward Making Better Decisions

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At A True Perspective, Sceleta Caroline Downing, Objective Consultant, offers clear and accurate representations of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, illustrating the reality of your life and unveiling the underlying factors that influence your actions and reactions. Blending art and science, one-to-one consulting sessions begin by creating individualized blueprints of your inner world—your true perspective. These blueprints identify key aspects of yourself that typically occur outside your conscious awareness, illustrating how you operate at a fundamental level. With A True Perspective, you'll gain clarity and insight, laying the groundwork for making better decisions.