The Rational Female


The Rational Female (formally called Non-Feminist Gal) is an anti-Feminist women’s advocate. Women have never been oppressed, there is no 'male-dominated patriarchy', the wage gap has been debunked hundreds of times, and most men couldn't vote by the early 1900s. Sex-positive, anti-woke, anti-trans ideology, pro-men's rights, pro-Britain, anti-Islamism. We must destroy Feminism and create a non-misandric women's movement that empowers women rather than claiming victimhood. This can compliment the men's rights movement, leading towards a better, humanitarian future for both sexes. Professionally, I’m a full-time indie author of over 20 books (young adult fiction, romance, and poetry). My latest novel "Tic Tac Toe", a young adult cultural Marxist dystopia, is out now. Not left or right. Ists and isms cause divisions.

FoxTale Studio: Sports


It all began with a kid and a dream.\n\nThe kid\'s name is Cecil. When he was 11 years old, he went to his first football practice and found his dream--playing ball in the NFL.\n\nHe trained hard, studied hard, played hard. He watched game footage, played Madden and compared that game to the real one, learning a lot about both. He also began doing something else: he began calling the Madden games as he played them. It wasn\'t long before his chosen career path was completely set in his mind: He\'d play football as a pro, retire when it was time to retire and find a home somewhere calling play-by-play. He paid close attention to his two biggest heroes, Lanny Frattare and Greg Brown, and kept working and studying and practicing.\n\nHe kept dreaming, too.\n\nOne of his oldest friends bought Cecil a hand-held recorder, something he could practice calling games into. A freshman in college now, and a walk-on for his school\'s team (but blocked from participation in his freshman year by the NCAA), Cecil studied hard, lifted weights, ran passing drills with his dad and began going to Friday night games to watch his high school team, the Brookville Blue Raiders. He took his recorder along and practiced his play calls. Then came the evening that he turned to his father and said, \'Dad, I need someone to do color. I can\'t get a good balance trying to do both.\' His dad, who had more aspirations to be a tie-dyed, armor-plated, antediluvian aardvark than a football commentator, found himself doing color.\n\nThis was sometime in the Fall of 2014.\n\nSince then, the father and son team took on the name of FoxTale Studio: Sports. For several years, they covered the entire season of Brookville Raiders football as well as the home games of Cecil\'s first school, Robert Morris University, as podcasts, cutting the full game calls down to highlight collections and posting them to an account on SoundCloud. In 2019, FTSS began livestreaming Raiders games and cutting highlight footage together, sharing both on YouTube. Neither one is certain where all of this is going, but they\'re both pretty happy to be, well, livin\' the dream.\n\nThis space is their home on Rumble and they\'re very pleased to welcome you.


Il mondo necessita di un grande cambiamento, di una vera Rivoluzione. Perchè parlare di rivoluzione culturale? In un mondo con così tanti problemi, alcuni potrebbero chiedersi, perchè concentrarsi sulla cultura, quando abbiamo problemi ben più gravi, come la fame, l\'inquinamento, la povertà, le crisi economiche, guerre, violenza ecc.... La cultura in confronto ai grandi problemi è un dettaglio, ma è di estrema importanza, perchè cambiando piccole cose nella nostra quotidianità, sopratutto legate alla cultura, noi cambiamo il mondo e combattiamo guerre, povertà e ingiustizia ... Quando cambiamo noi stessi nella nostra quotidianità, non facciamo cose banali, in realtà stiamo infatti cambiando il mondo! È cambiando i dettagli quotidiani che si fanno le rivoluzioni Non ci può essere una vera rivoluzione se non si parte da una RIVOLUZIONE CULTURALE. BUONA RIVOLUZIONE A TUTTI!!!

Female Led Relationship


As a feminist author of more than 13 books, I have created Love & Obey to be a diverse open-minded community with a culture based on female empowerment love and romance. I encourage, empower and entertain couples around the world to inspire and teach them all the ways to achieve a happy female led relationship. Everything you need to know about how to create a fabulous female led lifestyle is explained in my best selling Female Led Relationship Series of books. Learn more about Love & Obey life at #swingerslifestyle #femaleledrelationship #oralsexforwomen #hotwife #chastity #cuckolding #spanking