Future Forecasters - An experiment exploring upcoming world and financial changes through Remote Viewing


Welcome to Future Forecasting Group. For several years under the name Cryptoviewing, we've been remote viewing Cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and the move towards the next financial system. During this time, we've seen great successes, and have countless people reaching out to us to let us know that the work we've done has improved their lives in a multitude of ways. As we move closer to the new financial system, events are coming in much faster and increasingly we want to look at more of what's coming as well as our usual crypto targets. That's why we've evolved Cryptoviewing into a new service: Future Forecasting Group, where we aim to explore more of what's to come, still look at cryptos, and continue delving into understanding why the world is the way it is through woo, historical and mystery targets. As with Cryptoviewing, we'll have our exceptional world-class remote viewers: Edward Riordan, Daz Smith, and Nyiam, but we're going to expand our team out so that we can work more targets and increase the value of what we're doing. We've created this new site to consolidate all of our members from Patreon and the Private Site into a single place that provides a better experience all around. This platform allows us to interact and provide content in ways we couldn't before and we hope you'll love it.

Forever Conscious Research Channel


Welcome to Forever Conscious Research Channel and thank you for watching. This video and the information contained on this channel may not be for everyone. For those willing to set aside all preconceived notions and about what they think the Earth experience is of being honest with themselves then chances are this will likely resonate (or at least I hope). We have thousands upon thousands of years worth of historical data and trends which we all can refer back to. Regardless of how slanted & one sided that history may be, it creates a clear and undeniable blueprint of complete and utter control of humanity. This gnosis discussed on this channel should be a birthright and something that everyone deserves to be made aware of. When we connect the never ending inconsistencies and mechanics of the Earth realm in conjunction with experiencer data we can see what's going on very clearly. Some of the topics which are involved and cross over with one another to prove the soul trap are: 1) Near Death Experiences, 2) Pre-Birth Memories, 3) Past Lives Regressions & Life Between Lives, 4) Reincarnation, 5) Shared Death Experiences, 6) Coma Experiences, 7) Astral Projection (Self-Induced), 8) Out of Body Experiences (Randomly Occurs), 9) Breakthrough Trip Reports, 10) Traumatic Incident Experiences 11) "Alien" / Entity Abduction Accounts, 12) Deathbed Visions & Visitations, 13) Premonitions, 14) After Death Communication, and 15) Spiritually Transformative Experiences. What is going on here on Earth has been happening for as far back as we have records for. Nothing is new brothers and sisters...all we are seeing is our modern day version of the same old song and dance.

Bo Polny


Bo Polny is a biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst; the face behind YouTube's Gold2020Forecast, with currently 17-million+ views! Bo Polny holds possibly the most verifiably accurate Bitcoin & Gold cycle forecasting track record in the world. Bo states… “Cycles are real, both evil and Jesus are real, the future is written. As January 2020 we are living in Biblical Times and because history repeats and God revealed some of His times calculation through the prophet Daniel, it is now possible to calculate important ‘key’ TIME points into the future.” God Bless.



"Jesteś tu dla wszystkich, nie jesteś tu dla siebie. Kiedy poznajesz te dane, ten Przekaz, powinna zrodzić się w Tobie intencja: 'Biorę odpowiedzialność za to, aby otrzymany pakiet informacji stał się Wiedzą, stał się mną'. Jesteśmy tuż przed katastrofą, która dotknie wszystkich. WEŹ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚĆ ZA CAŁOŚĆ!" Indi Iannai Inna ----------------- ❤ BIAŁA ŚCIEŻKA INDI https://www.maloka.pl/biala-sciezka https://www.maloka.pl/szkola-wyzwolenia https://www.maloka.pl/wiedza-przekazy-indi ❤ TERAPIA HOLISTYCZNA (1) - Korekta Świadomości: https://terapiaholistyczna1.locals.com ❤ TERAPIA HOLISTYCZNA (2) - Korekta Ciała i Bioenergetyki: https://terapiaholistyczna2.locals.com ❤ BADANIA-UJAWNIENIA: https://badaniaujawnienia.locals.com ❤ WHITE PATH ENGLISH: https://whitepathcommunity.locals.com

DocToks with Dr. Forest Tennant & Friends


Hey there! We meet every Thursday at the following times: - 7:00 PM EST - 6:00 PM CST - 5:00 PM MST - 4:00 PM PST Go to linktr.ee/DocToks and click the first link at showtime! We'll be using Zoom for these sessions. Our mission is to empower and provide valuable knowledge, insights, and support to everyone navigating the challenging world of chronic illnesses and intractable pain. You're invited to join these special webinars and are encouraged to invite your loved ones, patients, practitioners, and healthcare professionals who may benefit from these sessions. If you miss a live webinar, don't worry! We upload all the shows to our Rumble channel & our DailyMotion channel so you can catch up on past sessions. Our dedicated team, including Dr. Tennant and Dr. Ibsen, generously share their expertise each week. If you have any questions or need to contact Dr. Tennant for inquiries, MRI reviews, or evaluations, please reach out to his office for instructions on sending questions, records, and MRI films at tennantfoundation92@gmail.com. Dr. Mark Ibsen can be reached via Facebook Messenger. The doctors have a challenge for you – please take part in the #SHARINGisCARING challenge by sharing this valuable health information with as many people as possible. By doing so, you provide hope and equip others with the tools needed to overcome their health challenges. Remember, you're never alone on this journey. There is always hope! Extend this invitation to those who you believe would benefit from our shows. Thank you for being a part of our community. Warm regards, DocToks with Dr. Forest Tennant & Friends. Medical Disclaimer: The content on DocToks with Dr. Forest Tennant and Friends is intended solely for educational and informational purposes. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals. Any reliance on the information we provide is at your own risk. Always seek advice, diagnoses, and/or treatment from a licensed physician or qualified healthcare provider. The information on this channel is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any illness, disease, or medical condition.