Estúdio 5° Elemento


Um debate franco e aberto acerca das questões das humanidades, tais como filosofia, arte, política, comportamento, passando por educação, família, religião, entre outros temas – sempre fundamentado em valores universais e nos princípios que formaram a civilização ocidental. Esta é a proposta do Programa Quinto Elemento. A cada edição, Arthur Machado, Leonardo Trielli Marnoto, Carlos de Freitas e Filipe Trielli, apresentarão um convidado diferente (o quinto elemento), a quem caberá dar o tom da conversa.

Centro de Estudios Cristianos.


Es un espacio dedicado a compartir enseñanzas, predicaciones y reflexiones basadas en la Biblia. Aquí encontrarás una variedad de temas bíblicos, estudios de libros específicos y recomendaciones de lecturas para fortalecer la fe y animar a la gente desde una perspectiva cristiana. Además, estaré encantado de responder tus preguntas sobre la Biblia y ofrecerte contenido inspirador para tu crecimiento espiritual. ¡Bienvenidos a todos los que buscan aprender y crecer en su fe!

Stable Studios


Music Definition: Music is an art form that combines sounds in a structured and often harmonious way to create emotions, rhythms, and melodies. It can be vocal, instrumental, or a combination of both. Different genres include classical, rock, jazz, pop, hip-hop, and electronic. Examples: Classical symphonies by Beethoven Pop songs by artists like Taylor Swift or BTS Jazz improvisations from Miles Davis Movies Definition: Movies, also known as films, are visual storytelling media that use moving images to convey stories, ideas, or messages. They can range from short films to feature-length productions and span various genres, such as action, drama, comedy, horror, and science fiction. Movies can be fictional or based on real events (documentaries). Examples: Action: Avengers: Endgame Drama: The Godfather Comedy: The Hangover Horror: The Conjuring Series Definition: Series are episodic television or streaming shows that follow a continuous storyline or theme across multiple episodes and seasons. They can belong to various genres such as drama, thriller, sitcoms, and fantasy, providing long-term engagement and character development. Examples: Drama/Fantasy: Game of Thrones Sitcom: Friends Thriller/Science Fiction: Stranger Things Documentary: Planet Earth Let me know if you'd like more details or specific recommendations!



Northbound is a show about a town called Snowden. Snowden is Very far north town nestled in a valley between 2 mountains and is inhabited only by animals who can live in the cold. Except for maybe a few visitors who come by every now and again. there is a whole cast of wacky and zany characters who live their lives day to day just like you and me. each episode is made with the intention of Entertaining any and all audiences with the use of puppets; and Educating those same audiences with moral lessons while also teaching them Science, History, Math and much more.



Welcome to Mediocre Studios! We are a small passionate team of "casually savage" barely experts in 3D Printing technology who aim to educate, entertain and share our experiences. Our channel is dedicated to 3D Printing, Resin Printing, Miniature Painting, Wargaming, Cosplay, and all-around shenanigans. For collaboration opportunities - Official Website: (Coming Soon) Buy me a Coffee: Patreon: We are just getting started laying the groundwork, but we promise a wild ride!