The Gateway Pundit
185,663 FollowersWhere Hope Made a Comeback
Where Hope Made a Comeback
The Official PEOPLE'S PUNDIT Rumble Channel streaming "Inside The Numbers" and "What Are the Odds?" with Barnes and Baris, data journalism covering opinion polls, politics, elections, public policy, betting markets, the economy and markets.
The Washington Pundit | Speak Truth To Power\n\nFollow The Washington Pundit:\n\n\n\n#TWP #SpeakTruthToPower
The insights we will explore have been brought to light by many great Gurus, including Patrick Devine. His tireless research and dedication led him to uncover a remedy for freeing oneself from the monetary system. After nine years and over 5,560 documents, Patrick Devine discovered the key to liberation in 2016, Then he disappeared and said, "Now it's up to you to set yourselves free."
《询经问道》为张洵Eric Zhang,及其搭档 雨林Elaine Yu 在YouTube上的自媒体视频频道。专注于历史、信仰、文化、思想。本频道以犹太·基督教信仰为价值基础,从英美保守主义理念的角度思考、分析、讲解,希望以此帮助全球华人深入了解美国政治、传统与价值。 两节目的宗旨: - 保守美国的过去 - 引领华夏的未来 - 传播基督的福音 有感动支持我们者可通过paypal打赏 感谢您的支持!
Ten things you didn\'t know about...
Just 1 person is worth the effort of the whole planet, worth the very blood of God himself. 1 person is worth an entire life of work just to lead them to the Lord & even if that goal can't be reached by me perhaps the knowledge I share can help someone else reach it.
High Impact Punditry and Social Media Influence that helps reveal the truth where ever it might be found.
Hey everyone! My name is Mark and I've been involved with the credit card industry since 2013. Over the years I've earned thousands of dollars in cash back and accrued millions points & miles to make expensive trips a lot more affordable. Now, with dozens of credit cards and a 760+ FICO score, I'm here to HELP YOU WIN the credit game and put more money in your pocket. Follow along as I mix credit card reviews and personal finance tips so you can take control of your financial health. See you in the videos!
A video game archive and museum celebrating some of gaming's most iconic opening sequences. Plus, a few extras along this virtual walk down Memory Lane.
Acredito que a oração pode ser uma ferramenta incrivelmente poderosa para nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e receber Sua orientação e apoio. A oração também pode nos ajudar a encontrar paz e conforto em tempos difíceis e pode ser uma fonte de força em situações desafiadoras. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto positivo em nossas vidas, tanto individual quanto coletivamente. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto poderoso em nossas vidas. A oração pode nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e nos fornecer força e orientação em tempos difíceis. A oração também pode nos ajudar a aprender mais sobre nós mesmos e a apreciar as bênçãos em nossa vida. Eu acredito no poder da oração e não importa quais palavras usamos em nossas preces, o que importa é o que o coração deseja dizer. A oração é a chave para nós mesmos, é a porta que nos leva a Deus e a tudo que ele tenta nos mostrar. Amo os que me amam. Quem me procura, encontra-me. Provérbios 8,17.
Bonjour a tous les naturels vivants. 🖐 🔵La Fraude au nom légal, ou comment les états, et la république française, nous a transformé dès notre naissance, en objet/personne qu’elle peut gérer, emprisonner, voler, taxer, frapper … La personnalité juridique est le boulet à la cheville du vivant naturel qui nous a rendu esclave. Ce n’est pas de la philosophie mais la Loi et la réalité. ➡La fraude au nom légal, de quoi s'agit-il? (fraude nom propre, la fraude au nom, fraude du nom légal, fraude du nom, fraude au nom légal la fraude au nom légal) 🔵Une personne est une fiction juridique. ➡Une personne doit payer des impôts. ✔Un naturel vivant ne paye pas d’impôts. ➡Une personne doit payer des amendes. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas d’amende. ➡Une personne juridique est le contribuable de l'état et paye ses transports, ses péages, l’eau ainsi que l’électricité. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas les transports, les péages, l’eau, l’électricité, et cela n’est pas une fraude!
The Business Credit channel provides expert information about building business credit, obtaining business lines of credit and maximizing business funding for startups, small businesses and real estate investors . Our business credit videos provide the latest tips, funding strategies, tools and business credit resources to start, establish and build business credit without putting your personal credit or personal assets at risk.
The study and promotion of Douglas Social Credit
This channel presents a series of animated videos exploring in a systematic fashion various aspects of the Social Credit ideas of Major C.H. Douglas (not to be confused with Chinese Social Credit)
All you need to know, to build business credit for your business without using your SSN. Whether your business has been open for 10 years, or you barely filed with your Secretary of State. We will show you step by step how to accumulate up to $1MM in business credit.
Is it wise to do a credit repair or talk to a credit counselor well look at my videos and we will break it down one by one for you.
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