end times talk
2,612 Followersa channel preparing saints for the last train home!
a channel preparing saints for the last train home!
This world, is crying out for answers but looking in the wrong place. The Mission of End Times TV is to be a beacon of light to people across the globe, to broadcast, with excellence, the message of Christ and His soon return; transforming, strengthening, empowering people and bringing them into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and deepening their understanding of that relationship. The truth of God’s Word really does transform lives, saving one soul at a time with His gift of eternal life.
This channel is dedicated to providing an End Times perspective according to the bible.
Each week, hear news from around the world and how it might relate to what Jesus said point us to the signs of what is to come.
Eindtijdnieuws.com presents explosive news about the end times: censored news shaking the world, banned from YouTube. Be informed of the end time events. Please share!
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