- I Encourage Viewers To Join the CHiLi’s DOJO Discord And Sign Up When Events Are Announced, So We Can Play Together in Multiplayer Private Lobby Games! - Welcome to The CHiLi Dojo, My Name is CHiLi and I'm a Video Game Content Creator. The Main Games I will focus on will be Tekken 8, Monster Hunter, Marvel Rivals. - I Host A Weekly Event Called “Tekken Tuesday” Where The Community is Free To Join Me In Tekken 8. We Fight Each Other In A King of the Hill Type Lobby, In the Dojo Voice Channel, Where The Winner Keeps Playing Until Someone Knocks Him Down And Everyone Gets a Chance At The King Status! - I Host A Monthly Event Called "CHiLi's Cook Out". What is CHiLi's Cook Out You Ask? People In Our Community Sign Up In The CHiLi DOJO Discord To Participate In A 6 v 6 Private Lobby Multiplayer Game Event Where ALL Skill Levels are Welcome. This Event Is Not Meant To Be Competitive, Rather Its Just A Bunch Of Community Members Drinking, Talking Light Trash, Trolling Each Other, And Having A Great Time! The Game of Choice for the Cook Outs will Be Marvel Rivals! - If You Wanna To Help Me Build This Channel & Community You Can Subscribe, Gift Sub & Donate Through a Rant. Thank You For Your Support!!!! - Follow Me on X @CHiLi_XDD for updates when I go Live on Rumble. - Schedule Mondays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Tuesdays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Wednesdays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. Thursdays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. Fridays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Saturdays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Sundays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. - If You Are Thinking About Becoming a Rumble Streamer, Please Use My Referal Link To Help Me Out, Thank You.

Emily Bron


Emily guides professional Baby Boomers and Remote Workers (Canada, US) to Find Freedom and Dream Location for Relocation Abroad. Emily was born in the former USSR and currently lives in Canada but in the process of relocating to Mexico. After years of living and working in 4 different countries (3 continents) and several changes in professional direction, Emily's mission is to help people find the best matching place to Live, Work and Retire abroad. Destinations: Mexico, Latin America, Liberland. Special Interest: Intentional, Wellness, Eco Living and Expat communities abroad. More details can be found at

Vapers Brazil


Canal sobre cigarro eletrônico ou e-cig ou vapes e seus afins, como: Atomizadores , MODs, RDA, RTA, Drippers, e-juice, e-liquids, baterias 18650, coils, tanks, sub ohms, coils SS316, clapton wire, Ni200 wire and coils, Ti coils, Kanthal, Nickel, Titanium Atomizer, Ceramic cell, Stainless Steel. Resolvi criar este canal pela dificuldade em achar informações sobre o assunto, principalmente em português. Sou formado em eletrônica e fui fumante durante mais de 20 anos. Por estes dois motivos acabei me interessando pelo assunto e mexo com ele desde 2007, quando os E-cigs foram lançados nos Estados Unidos. Não se esqueça de se inscrever no Canal !!! Obrigado. ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter:http s:// ▶ Instagram :