Through A Glass Darkly


Where the paranormal meets military science fiction and fact. I interview national security professionals, writers, and other content creators on everything within the current cultural zeitgeist and beyond... My four key areas of interest are: 1) geopolitics; 2) writing; 3) the paranormal, particularly where it intersects with geopolitics and national security; and 4) my journey using this channel and other revenue streams to become financially independent within five years (i.e., by the end of 2026).



Bold new works of conservative satire, author Biff Darkly takes aim at the left's greatest heroes in a way that's both comedic and...well, not-so-comedic. Lefty Legends are in for a “Fictional Takedown" and promises to be a wild ride for anyone looking for a laugh and maybe a little bit of eye-opening insight, too. With his tongue planted firmly in cheek, Darkly sets out to dismantle the left's sacred cows, one fictional portrayal at a time. From a former Democrat President to an elitist Ivy League professor, no hero is safe from Darkly's biting pen. But fear not, dear reader - even the most progressive among us will find something to chuckle at in this book.