Dr. Scott Young - NESARA & Hope in the Last Days!


Here are the Writings and Teachings of Dr. Scott Young. I have spent 37 years studying the Bible related to Medical topics that prove Scripture is true. I, therefore, teach threef series: 1. The Truth and Lies of What We Believe - a practical understanding of the meanings of the words in the Bible and answering the hardest questions of the Word. 2. Hope in the Last Days - This is a step-by-step 13 weeks series in which we walk through why 29% of the Word discusses the End Times and how not to be fearful of it. 3. We also indicate how history and money interact together inside of NESARA and how the Bible confirms those views.

Book Of Revelation - The Last Days


If you're looking for teaching on the man-made Daniel's 70th week magical last 7 years pre-tribulation end times Christian Science Fiction Doctrine (CSFD), you wont find it here. Keep in mind, this collection is an ongoing series. It's important to start from the beginning, and work your way up to the present day because you'll need the earlier info to understand the latter episodes. In the first video, Pastor Joseph Cortes of "Faith Coming By Hearing" ministries will introduce his Last Days teaching series which began August 9, 2009 and has continued until the present day. In the second video Pastor Cortes will explain the historical origins of the CSFD myth & beliefs (mentioned above), held by the modern church today. From then on, it's a roller coaster ride using Biblical and secular historical dates, times, and events that mark the fulfillment of end times prophecies stretching from the Old Testament into the New Testament, on to the modern day, and into the very short future ahead before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Note: Wherever you see a missing video on the list, understand those videos were pulled by Pastor Cortes, and do not appear in his archives either. OH! Have your Bible and pen or pencil ready from the start. You don't yet know what a blessing it will be later to reference those notes you've made. Want more of Pastor Cortes? Visit http://www.TeachingFaith.com Access his video archives in the Teaching Center. at: http://www.teachingfaith.com/teaching-center Watch Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries LIVE at 4 PM PST every Monday and Thursday nights at http://teachingfaith.com/watch Enjoy the ride! -JesusMAGA

Days of Noah and The House of Israel


Information about the Lost 10 Tribes as it relates to End Times Prophecy Ezekiel 28:25-26 1599 Geneva Bible Thus saith the Lord God, When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people where they are scattered, and shall be [a]sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in the land, that I have given to my servant Jacob.  And they shall dwell safely therein, and shall build houses, and plant vineyards: yea, they shall dwell safely, when I have executed judgments upon all round about them that despise them, and they shall know that I am the Lord their God. Bro. Sal & Dr. Vitale http://www.prayertrainexpress.com https://mewe.com/p/thetinychurchproject Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God Until God Calls Me Home Email: tppots@hotmail.com https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8605.htm Strong's Hebrew: 8605. תְּפִלָּה(tephillah) -- prayer בִּתְפִלַּ֥תבַּתְּפִלָּ֑הבתפלהבתפלתהַתְּפִלָּ֔ההַתְּפִלָּ֖ההַתְּפִלָּ֥ההתפלהוּ֝תְפִלָּת֗וֹוּ֝תְפִלָּתִ֗יוּֽתְפִלָּתִ֥יוּתְפִלַּ֖תוּתְפִלָּ֑הוּתְפִלָּ֖הוּתְפִלָּת֣וֹותפלהותפלתותפלתוותפלתי... biblehub.com [Remember if you want to unsubscribe, please send me an email}

The Last Days - by Pastor Joseph Cortes


If you're looking for teaching on the man-made Daniel's 70th week magical last 7 years pre-tribulation end times Christian Science Fiction Doctrine (CSF), you wont find it here. Keep in mind, this collection is an ongoing series. It's important to start from the beginning, and work your way up to the present day because you'll need the earlier info to understand the latter episodes. In the first video, Pastor Joseph Cortes of "Faith Coming By Hearing" ministries will introduce his Last Days teaching series which began August 9, 2009 and has continued until the present day. In the second video Pastor Cortes will explain the historical origins of the CSFD myth & beliefs (mentioned above), held by the modern church today. From then on, it's a roller coaster ride using Biblical and secular historical dates, times, and events that mark the fulfillment of end times prophecies stretching from the Old Testament into the New Testament, on to the modern day, and into the very short future ahead before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. OH! Have your Bible and pen or pencil ready from the start. You don't yet know what a blessing it will be later to reference those notes you've made. Want more of Pastor Cortes? Visit http://www.TeachingFaith.com Access his video archives in the Teaching Center. at: http://www.teachingfaith.com/teaching-center Watch Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries LIVE at 4 PM PST every Monday and Thursday nights at http://teachingfaith.com/watch Enjoy the ride!

The Aaron Day Show Verified


"The Aaron Day Show" on Rumble is a critical platform where Aaron Day addresses the impending threats of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the urgent need for a shift towards self-custody digital assets. Drawing from his extensive background as a serial entrepreneur and liberty activist, Day illuminates the authoritarian potential of CBDCs to control financial transactions and personal freedoms. Through in-depth discussions, expert insights, and actionable strategies, this show empowers viewers to understand and counteract the rush towards digital authoritarianism before pivotal elections.

The Coming Day


In religions, men try to work their way to God... In the Way of Jesus Christ: christianity, God made a way to get to men... There is only one way, one truth and it’s through Jesus Christ: Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” We are living in the last days, be ready and give it all to the Lord! Here is my email: levesquen36@gmail.com Put all your trust in Jesus Christ and believe in Him, He is the Son of God and is also God. I pray for guidance, wisdom, discernment, knowledge and great understanding in these challenging times, in Jesus’ name. I pray for unity in the body of Christ and I rebuke the schemes, lies, deception, confusion and murder from Satan and bind it! In Jesus’ name! And that more importantly I pray for the Will of God to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, that His Will, desires, plans become ours to fulfill the perfect purpose of our Holy Father and Creator. May the Helper, the Holy Spirit fills you and may you be worthy of the kingdom of the Most High in the presence of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! Always pray we will escape all these things from judgement and being counted worthy before the Lord! In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for His glory! Amen Your sister in Christ, Natacha Remember this, stand your ground, stand strong and endure until the end with complete faith in Jesus Christ: Don’t take the v-a.c:c*i-n...e -It will destroy your soul -Mark of the b.e.a.s.t. -Choose to trust in Jesus -Choose God Who loves you, Who is just and incorruptible Not in man who is corruptible -Are you scared to die? Jesus defeated death, follow Him -Heaven or Hell -Choose God: Heaven Choose men and the world: Hell -Satan is the father of lies, the deceiver -Don’t fear men who can destroy the body only But fear God who can destroy the body and the soul in Hell.