Comic Relief Crusader


2020 All content posted on this channel is (C) Copyright 2007-2021 by Mike Lorber. All rights reserved. "Comic Relief Crusader" are trademark of Mike Lorber. 2022 All content posted on this channel is (C) Copyright 2007-2022 by Mike Lorber. All rights reserved. "Drop Off Comics" are trademarks of Mike Lorber. Comic Relief Crusader is the YouTube channel of Mike Lorber, a graphic designer, superhero, and pop culture critic, featuring reviews and commentary on films, tv, comic books, and more! Fighting the evil WOKENESS in our darkest hour and how it kills our community of AWESOMENESS! The Comic Relief Crusader YOUTUBE: STORE: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: EMAIL:

Health and Healing Crusade 2023


The theme for these presentations is focused on recharging the immune system. The presenters include: - Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH - Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS, FACLM - Barbara O’Neill - Amanda Anguish, LMFT - Jessica Vierra, MS, RDN, BSN, RN - Daniel Vierra You can learn more about Modern Manna Ministries here - If you have been blessed by these presentation and would like to support the ministry you can visit the link below.

The Inn of Planar Crossroads


Greetings and Salutations, Travelers. The Inn of Planar Crossroads creates content revolving around the Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) hobby community, and is run by Adam; a father, preacher, wellness professional, farmer, rancher, and all-round Lawful Good guy. Back in 2017, after making videos for one of (if not the) largest independent TTRPG YouTube channels of the time, began releasing videos of his gaming sessions with friends, thus The Inn of Planar Crossroads was born. Before too long it branched out into other things like podcast style chats, then Lore videos, and gradually became the multimedia content producer it is today. The journey was slow, but Adam always maintained that it was perseverance that would lead to true success. We hope that you will come travel the multiverse with us. And, as always have a great day, God bless, and enjoy.