

Craps Master Journey documents my road to becoming a master of the craps table. The journey began with building my own casino quality, 12 foot craps. The videos are very detailed and includes everything you will need to make your own craps table. I documented over 100 different craps strategies that you can use to make money, over 30 videos detailing the 5 essentials of becoming a successful craps player, 250 plus videos on dice shooting, and my own dice influence black belt training program. Follow along as I practice live on YouTube, at least 4 days per week, and show you exactly what I am doing to become a craps master. Please donate towards equipment upgrades / future projects using the following link: #crapsmasterjourney #howtoplaycraps #blackbeltprogram #craps #crapslessons #diceinfluence #crapsstrategy #blackbelt #diceprogram #crapsbeginner #crapscasino #dicecontrol #diceshooting #badasscrapsmove

We create stories you’ve never heard from interviews with the most iconic rappers in classic rap and hip-hop.


🎤 Classic Rap Shorts – We create stories you’ve never heard from interviews with the most iconic rappers in classic rap and hip-hop. Bringing you unforgettable moments and interviews with rap legends! 👑 📲 Watch more: Follow our channel for more iconic moments and stories from the history of rap. 💥 Enjoyed videos? Give it a like and subscribe to stay updated on classic hip-hop scenes! 🔥 Our videos provide added value and are edited to offer a memorable experience for viewers, entertainment and amusement, with the intent of providing educational and critical perspectives. We follow YouTube’s Fair Use guidelines, which allow for unlicensed use of copyrighted content when used for commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. Each video is transformed to enhance the viewer’s experience while complying with copyright regulations.