: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.


About Me [" I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any governments, courts and corporations. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me, then I will also have jurisdiction over their cases. I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-wynn: Miller, and inherited his role to do the things that he used to do before he passed away. "] ["If the general public are asking themselves what is jurisdiction over any corporation and governments, this means that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, legalities, laws, or claims they have fully violated the basic rules of communication. The basic rule of communication is, one meaning per word and one meaning per sentence. "] ​ ["If the basic rules of communication are violated, then there is no contracting parties, for one to claim jurisdiction over the other. "] ​ ["The job of the chief-federal-postal-court-judges is to stop and correct all misleading statements, false and fictitious conveyance of language. 2006 Fraud Act, 2001 Fraud Act. "] ​ [":David-wynn: Miller created the famous and globally recognised system of communication which he called quantum grammar. This quantum grammar cannot be trespassed upon any fictitious governments or corporations. "] ​ [" As a chief-federal-postal-court-judge, once a complaint has been put in with me, I can over-turn cases in the fictitious courts and governments and corporations - Period "] ​ [" Please note: All my cases are won using first hand knowledge and not theory. Since I only deal with first hand knowledge, if I am not familiar with something and I do not know what it is, I will be very direct and tell you that I do not know. Folks, this is the safest and best way not to fall in to the trap of lies and deception. "] ​ [" Why do I do, the things that I do? I reversed an illness / disease that I had in 14 days. I was told this disease can never be reversed and it’ll lead to my fatality. When I began to publicise my findings, through my book, The Diseases of Affluence, I found televisions stations, newspapers, corporations came to attack me in the global mass media. They made me look like an East London black villain. This mass media failed in every efforts to silence me. I learnt how to become a federal-postal-court-judge and squashed their fictitious ways in their tracks. "] [" If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. On a personal note, these people have no power over you, except their ability to install fear in you and use their defecto court systems to threaten you - Period My training cuts through all the fiction and the fictional language used in the world. It lets you see the world for what it really is – a construct of poisoned words and language. "] ​ [" I have studied many different areas of psychology, science, medicines etc. usually to contribute or further the subject. "] ​ ["I am professional in everything I do. When I am teaching, I teach only first hand knowledge, once you understand it, you will know more than the top 3% of society, it is yours forever, no matter who does this, that, or the other. "] ​ [" Any persons wanting to hide their criminality, using my knowledge or the Federal-Postal-Court-Stations will be prosecuted and sentenced to a minimum of 7 years. The Federal-Postal-Court-Stations, The Judges, the Clerks and Baliffs practice zero tolerance of criminality. "] ​ : Serial-number: AD-8051-5548-2GB : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right/copy-claim.



- I Encourage Viewers To Join the CHiLi’s DOJO Discord And Sign Up When Events Are Announced, So We Can Play Together in Multiplayer Private Lobby Games! - Welcome to The CHiLi Dojo, My Name is CHiLi and I'm a Video Game Content Creator. The Main Games I will focus on will be Tekken 8, Monster Hunter, Marvel Rivals. - I Host A Weekly Event Called “Tekken Tuesday” Where The Community is Free To Join Me In Tekken 8. We Fight Each Other In A King of the Hill Type Lobby, In the Dojo Voice Channel, Where The Winner Keeps Playing Until Someone Knocks Him Down And Everyone Gets a Chance At The King Status! - I Host A Monthly Event Called "CHiLi's Cook Out". What is CHiLi's Cook Out You Ask? People In Our Community Sign Up In The CHiLi DOJO Discord To Participate In A 6 v 6 Private Lobby Multiplayer Game Event Where ALL Skill Levels are Welcome. This Event Is Not Meant To Be Competitive, Rather Its Just A Bunch Of Community Members Drinking, Talking Light Trash, Trolling Each Other, And Having A Great Time! The Game of Choice for the Cook Outs will Be Marvel Rivals! - If You Wanna To Help Me Build This Channel & Community You Can Subscribe, Gift Sub & Donate Through a Rant. Thank You For Your Support!!!! - Follow Me on X @CHiLi_XDD for updates when I go Live on Rumble. - Schedule Mondays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Tuesdays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Wednesdays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. Thursdays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. Fridays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Saturdays - 3pm pst / 6pm est Sundays - in the Air for Possible Streams, Join the Dojo Discord & Follow me on Twitter and stay connected. - If You Are Thinking About Becoming a Rumble Streamer, Please Use My Referal Link To Help Me Out, Thank You. https://rumble.com/register/CHiLiXDD

MotorCityChief Live


Sign up for Rumble today! https://rumble.com/register/MotorCityBrent/ www.t.me/QueensLair www.t.me/MotorCityChief @MotorCityBrent & @QueenJ0sephine created a Telegram feed in April 2021. From the passion that went into our Telegram channel/ Chat, we are now expanding our platforms! We stream exclusively on Rumble! We play Halo: CE to Reach as well as GTAV: Online. At or around the 10th year anniversary of GTAV we started playing. Link up on the Queens Lair Guilded server to collaborate with us! https://www.guilded.gg/i/kbGZa3vp Brought to you by BLDG7

The Infamous Ex-Chief Verified


Welcome to The Infamous Ex-Chief, where we uncover misconduct and corruption in the justice system while celebrating the honorable men and women in law enforcement. As a former police chief, I’m committed to holding bad actors accountable and highlighting the positive stories that often go untold. From small-town departments to high-profile cases, we expose abuse of power, champion reforms, and showcase the integrity of those who truly protect and serve. Through investigations, interviews, and real stories, we shine a balanced spotlight on the challenges and triumphs of our justice system. If you’re passionate about transparency, justice, and bridging the gap between law enforcement and the public, join me on this nationwide mission. Together, we can prove it’s possible to be #ProPoliceNotProCorruption.

Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness


My name is Dr Boris Nektalov, Founder of Nektalov Chiropractic & Enzyme Nutrition. We focus on total body wellness through the maintenance of a healthy spine and digestion. I've practiced and specialize in a non-surgical spinal decompression and spinal corrective treatment. My objective is to research, review and develop the best integral treatment for neck and back herniated disc-related conditions. I continue to travel all over the world to obtain the most recent and advanced research and procedures for treating spinal conditions. We're also the only office in the Metropolitan area offering chiropractic spinal corrective care and non-surgical spinal decompression with digestive support.

Fowler's Makery and Mischief


Bushcrafter, Outdoorsman, and Youtube Creator Zachary Fowler is a Vermont native who moved to coastal Maine to become a wooden boat builder. Although building classic wooden boats was a passion and skill, Zach's real love was always for the outdoors. This would be expressed by his years providing for his family, occupying an off-grid Yurt-style home, and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Fowler's enthusiasm for the outdoors and strong work ethic was proven when he applied for and won History channel's “Alone” show, where he survived for 87 days in Patagonia, "catch and cooking" 63 fish and 2 birds. After surviving and winning the show Fowler chose to start his own Youtube channel where he could reach an audience and share his appreciation and knowledge of the great outdoors through video series such as the “30 Day Survival Challenge” and “Trick-Shot-Tuesday”. On this channel, you will find a plethora of catch and cooks, primitive and modern survival, and tons of fun!

Dr. Ace the Chiropractor


My channel is about finding solutions to complicated health issues by demonstrating how balanced focused chiropractic can change lives. I have been in practice for over 29 years and discovered what I was taught in school was wrong! School taught me a technique called Gonstead and for my first 15 years I practiced this very popular method. I helped many people but I felt like I could do more. So one day I just started over. Reading, Observing & Practicing I discovered the secret. Since the brain sits on top of the body I need to address the body from the head down & not the feet up as I was taught in school. This channel is dedicated to showing how the brain body connection changes lives. I call my technique the Thayer Method. I post multiple videos every week. I invite you to watch my channel & see how my method could help you.