Raison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.


Fuck TV / corporate journalism - the machinery of fascism. "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public Relations" - George Orwell. "If money comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek, capital comes dripping from head to foot from every pore, with blood and dirt" - Karl Marx (Capital, Volume one, Chapter 31: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist). 'True revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love'- 'Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: The US' - Ernesto Che Guevara. Satyagraha ( “holding onto truth”) concept introduced in early 20th century by Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resistance to evil. ‘Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime’ – Aristotle Banned by CIAtube - 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?', Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires. It is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?". 'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719) - Voltaire. 'To ignore Evil is to become an accomplice to it' and 'It is simply my way of saying that I would rather be a man of conviction than a man of conformity. Occasionally in life one develops a conviction so precious and meaningful that he will stand on it till the end'- MLK Jr. Needs: Egalitarian, classless, stateless, humane society of sustainable and communal living for all. Zapatistas Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves. The revolution will not be televised. Let love set you free, we are all one. archive.org Member. Until workers of world, unite - world-strike as one, together - solidarity of all race: Then all we are is slaves to fasci corporatism - the machine. #FreePalestine from #ApartheidIsrael #BDS #ClassWar #DirectDemocracy #NoOneIsIllegal #NoBorders #AllRefugeesWelcome #MoneyequalsDebt. #EndDebt #Anarchosyndicalism #AntiWar #BantheBomb #EndWars Peace and Love is the power.



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The Misery Machine


Business Inquiries: TheMiseryMachine@InTheBlackMedia.com Episode Request Form: https://forms.gle/YeCFAH4gq5v31Dps5 There's a problem with True Crime. Creators idolize perpetrators, shame victims, or are completely checked out on cases while they focus on other things. However, we can't forget there are victims who lost their lives and families who are still grieving to this day. Furthermore, many True Crime outlets spend their time focusing on themselves or rambling, instead of getting right to the facts of the case. We hear you, this is frustrating. The Misery Machine focuses on cases the media fails to give proper attention to. We want to help give those a voice that never got to have one, to begin with. We also cover aspects of cases that other podcasts might look the other way on, and the way that these cases impact their communities for generations. It's not enough to simply cover a case, our platform must be used to make a difference.

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Welcome to InternetTimeMachine, where we delve into the digital archives to uncover the past, explore the present, and speculate on the future of our online world. Join us as we journey through digital history, rediscovering forgotten gems, exploring trends, and celebrating the evolution of the internet. From early websites and viral sensations to the latest innovations and cultural shifts, we're your guide to understanding how the web has shaped our lives and continues to shape our future. Subscribe and join our expedition through the virtual ages!