Rachel + Serenity Speak


We are Rachel & Serenity: born in different countries, yet both born into human trafficking with overlapping experiences. This organised abuse has manifested in many forms throughout our lives & CONTINUES TODAY in the UK. Systemic abuse & corruption in some way has a hand in every single person's life on the planet. By exposing the methods of trafficking & the perpetrators, we demonstrate how such pervasive life-control is made possible. We are dedicated to exposing EVERYTHING & initiating a global movement. The information & evidence provided is to enable everyone to make better choices and take revolutionary action. WE ARE STILL BEING TRAFFICKED BY THE GOVERNMENT & ITS HIDDEN ELITE NETWORK TODAY. Only with your support do we have a chance to survive and exit this abuse! 🙏🏼 By coming together can we can end the epidemic of human trafficking & systemic abuse worldwide! We implore each of you to take an honest & informed look at the evil you are certain to witness in your life-- and take a stand with us! 🚨 Stay up to date with our mission & subscribe to our other channels 🚨 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://linktr.ee/rsspeak 💲 DONATE 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://www.givesendgo.com/helpsurvivors #FreeRachelAndSerenity #RachelAndSerenitySpeak

Prank on Dog - Pegadinha no cachorro


Fake tiger moving vs real flying dog prank is to scaring dogs with fake tiger for funny reactions. This is funniest videos Try not to laugh. Fake tiger prank dog is funniest scaring pranks dogs with toy tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile popping balloons on funny dogs. Place toy fake tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile near to sleeping street dogs puppies cats monkeys cows and turn on the tiger sound to scare dogs. Attach toy fake tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile on remote controlled car to move toward dogs to scare dogs for funniest reactions. These videos are just for laugh for funny reactions and laughter. Dog pranks are trending on you tube. Thank you much viewers, keep in touch and keep showing love to motivate us.\\n----------------------- Português ---------------\\nO tigre falso se movendo contra a brincadeira do cão voador real é para assustar cães com tigre falso para reações engraçadas. Este é o vídeo mais engraçado. Tente não rir. O cão de brincadeira de tigre falso é o mais engraçado, assustando cães de brincadeiras com balões de crocodilo de dinossauro, crocodilo, aranha de tigre de brinquedo em cães engraçados. Coloque o brinquedo falso tigre, leão, dinossauro, aranha, crocodilo, perto de cachorros de rua, cachorros, gatos, macacos, vacas e ligue o som do tigre para assustar os cães. Anexe o brinquedo falso tigre, leão, dinossauro, aranha, crocodilo, em um carro com controle remoto para se mover em direção aos cães e assustá-los para as reações mais engraçadas. Esses vídeos são apenas para rir, para reações engraçadas e risos. As brincadeiras com cães são tendência no YouTube. Muito obrigado espectadores, mantenham contato e continuem demonstrando carinho para nos motivar.

Minecraft Machinima/Roleplay


Hi there! I love hearing stories! So I decided to make my own using Minecraft as my stage to tell stories through the eyes of characters in the Minecraft World which reflect ours lives. So while using Minecraft, my mind and real stories together to make a great story in a science fiction series called Quiddity (the inherent nature or essence of someone or something.) I definitely want you to think with your mind and open up your eyes! Don't give up even if others try to push you down. The eyes of the author are free to think and do without limitations. Be free make the right decisions. Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Bathos: insincere or overdone pathos. Pathos: an emotion of sympathetic pity. Yours Truly, Bathos Pathos

Receitas Nem Cachorro Come


Receitas que nem cachorro come !!! Coitadinho do cachorro, porque não sobra nada pra ele!!! Temos o objetivo de levar a você as melhores receitas, com modo de preparo de maneira descomplicada. O melhor da culinária em casa, para que possa surpreender a família com estas maravilhas e saborosas receitas. Você ira preparar desde deliciosas sobremesas, bolos para seu lanchinho da tarde e aquela comida caseira que vai impressionar a todos. Contato: receitasquenemcachorrocome@gmail.com