Eyes On Butte County, CA Verified


In order to combat the rising tide of global Marxist tyranny, We the People must get educated, organized and activated to expose corruption and complicit agents of the cabal on the local level. History always repeats itself. The US Constitution is just a piece of paper until you know it inside and out and put it to use. This channel aims to expose Butte County's own elected officials and appointed bureaucrats who are in lockstep with the evil regime who seeks to oppress and enslave everyone, as well as perpetrate the largest mass genocide in human history. We post content regarding our own county as well as content from around the world as this destructive New World Order attempts to spread the tentacles of its evil agenda over the entire planet.

Sound the Battle Cry


Sound the Battle Cry is a ministry that covers truth in all areas from a Biblical perspective. A light in the dark days of apostasy. About Nate: I used to be a death metal singer living in rebellion against God filled with anger, getting drunk, and doing what I wanted. In 2009, at age 23, I was saved by Jesus Christ after being convicted of my sin by some Bible verses and Christian books. I was born again and I am not the person I used to be anymore. From that point I had a strong desire to study the Bible and have been doing so by the grace of God ever since. My desire is that the teaching and preaching on this channel would glorify God, save souls, edify the saints, contend for the faith, and reprove the unfruitful works of darkness. Thank you for taking the time to come here to watch and read.