Christ Bearer Ministries Verified


Christ Bearer Ministries shares the unconditional love, grace, and healing of Jesus Christ and His true nature in a global mission to a lost and dying world. Our Vision is for the world to know and have a deep relationship with the real Jesus Christ. Our Mission is to share the love of Jesus through teaching, preaching, and demonstration of His unconditional love and grace. To, as commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28:19, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded us. We hope you will enjoy, subscribe, and share our channel , helping us to spread the love of Jesus around the world. Be blessed! ============================== Connect with us! ============================== ==============================

Fervent Prayer Cross Bearers


This channel strives to provide Christians and others a Biblical Refuge Resource for Prayer & Intercessory prayer. Meditation & Reflection on GOD's Holy Word before Him. Teaching basic Bible truths, principles, and precepts. Spiritual Warfare: Teaching, Authority, Weapons of Warfare, Warfare strategies and tactics, and combat deployment. Our mission 1. To inform, educated, and empower as many Christian Kingdom Sons & Daughters, Brother & Sister Believers in the faith of Jesus Christ to become: (a) A better Living Epistle and Lively Stone in the faith of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5). (b) A Skillful & Masterful Prayer Warrior and Soldier for the Kingdom of GOD. (2 Timothy 2:3,4). 2. That all may learn & share what they have learned here on this channel with others & help them come to Jesus Christ accepting Him as Lord & Savior, and Believers in GOD's Triumphant Kingdom.