Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft


"Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos... Prepara-te ! ® " Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft é um projecto criado por Ricardo Marreiros e que visa fomentar nos cidadãos o interesse pela resiliência e independência de cada um no que concerne à sobrevivência, auto-suficiência e à Protecção Civil, bem como o interesse pelas actividades lúdicas de interacção com e exploração da Natureza conhecidas como Bushcraft ou Artes do Mato. Sobrevivência, Preparação e Bushcraft são na verdade actividades distintas, mas cujos caminhos muitas vezes se cruzam e complementam. O lema deste projecto é : “Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos. Prepara-te !© De facto, no que toca a ocorrências súbitas ou mais previsíveis, provocadas pela Natureza ou pelo próprio Homem nunca é bom sermos apanhados desprevenidos.



Welcome to the Judah Survivalism channel, where we cover various topics related to survival and human quality of life. Here you will find valuable information about preparation, sustainability, economy, health, technology, science, natural food, EMF radiation, natural cosmetics, beekeeping, alkaline water, dehydration, guard dogs, free energy, permaculture, camping, hunting and fishing, equipment, and much more. Our weekly videos bring practical tips and survival techniques for adverse situations, as well as sharing our experience and knowledge acquired over time. Our goal is to help you become more self-sufficient and prepared to face any challenge.

In the Field Show, with Matt Brevner and Drea Humphrey


Matt Brevner, and Drea Humphrey, take you in the field as they navigate through current events, & God's perspective on them, on the way to and from, reporting for Rebel News. The In the Field Show, welcomes anyone from any walk of life to weigh in on the chaos as well, as long as they buckle up their seatbelts for ride. If you appreciate Matt and Drea's content please support them by donating via e-transfer at Where should the money go? 10% of all donations will be tithed to Glorify the Lord. Send us your suggestions on which body of christ, or any other community in Canada who is in need, and each month we will rotate tithes based on viewers suggestions. Matt's Twitter: @MattBrevner Drea's Twitter: @DreaHumphrey Drea's Facebook Page: Matt's Facebook: Matt & Drea's Youtube channel: Contact:

Abbreviations for words


Welcome to my YouTube channel, where I bring you the best abbreviations for words and phrases you encounter in your everyday life. My channel is dedicated to those "who can see but not hear and Speak" and helping you save time and effort by providing you with quick and easy-to-understand abbreviations for common words. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply someone who loves to learn new things. My channel has something for everyone. My videos are short, informative, and engaging, making it easy for you to grasp the meaning of abbreviations in a matter of minutes. I will expertly scours the web to find the latest and most popular abbreviations, as well as providing you with explanations of their origins and usage. I also welcome suggestions and feedback from my viewers, so feel free to leave a comment. Subscribe to my channel and never miss an update on the latest abbreviations. Join me as we make the world of abbreviations more accessible and fun!

Breve Improviso


🇧🇷 Para Guitarras e Baixos temos: backing track para improvisação, estudo de escalas maiores e menores, modos gregos, pentatônicas, escalas de blues. Banda de apoio para tocar junto. Estude suas escalas e seja influente improvisando em seu instrumento. Novo vídeo todos os dias às 14h e tons diferentes às 18h Para bateristas temos: Backing track para tocar junto, acompanhando e sem bateria, para praticar ritmos e grooves. Sem bateria. Novo vídeo: Todos os dias às 10h 🇺🇸 For Guitars and Basses we have: backing track for improvisation, study of major and minor scales, Greek modes, pentatonic, blues scales. Support band to play along. Study your scales and be influential by improvising on your instrument. New Video Every day at 2 pm and different tones at 6 pm For drummers we have: Backing track to play along, accompanying and without drums, to practice rhythms and grooves. Drumless. New video: Everyday at 10am 🇩🇪 Für Gitarren und Bässe haben wir: Playback für Improvisation, Studium von Dur- und Moll-Tonleitern, griechische Modi, Pentatonik, Blues-Tonleitern. Begleitband zum Mitspielen. Studieren Sie Ihre Tonleitern und nehmen Sie Einfluss, indem Sie auf Ihrem Instrument improvisieren. Jeden Tag um 14 Uhr ein neues Video und um 18 Uhr andere Töne Für Drummer haben wir: Playback zum Mitspielen, begleitend und ohne Schlagzeug, zum Üben von Rhythmen und Grooves. Keine Batterie. Neues Video: Täglich um 10 Uhr 🇪🇸 Para Guitarras y Bajos tenemos: pista de acompañamiento para improvisación, estudio de escalas mayores y menores, modos griegos, pentatónicas, escalas de blues. Banda de acompañamiento para tocar. Estudia tus escalas y sé influyente improvisando con tu instrumento. Vídeo nuevo todos los días a las 14h y diferentes tonos a las 18h Para los bateristas tenemos: Pista de acompañamiento para tocar, acompañando y sin batería, para practicar ritmos y grooves. Sin batería. Nuevo video: Todos los días a las 10am