Music for the ears


► Hi there, hope you guys enjoyed my videos! This is my journey in making my first youtube channel. I’m sharing and uploading music that I love listening to while growing up and I hope to upload more content to my channel so I need your support! \n► Here’s my channel: \n- \n► If you like my content, do subscribe, like and share! I would really appreciate it. If you have any requests for your music to be uploaded into my channel, do comment or email me at

MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates


The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates is concerned about the possible politicization of the curriculum, especially a perceived focus on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In addition, the loss of merit-based leaders, and the degradation of the honor system. These issues threaten the effectiveness and readiness of the future leaders of the United States military. It is imperative that the West Point leadership addresses and rectifies these concerns in order to ensure the strength and success of our armed forces.

Flat Earth Universe Family


''Since were MEN that made the Alphabet wouldn't that mean the dictionary has only masculine orientated words for a girl or woman to speak ? What expression of words can our Mama use to speak her mind ? The word LOVE was Ultimately made by Men who were in charge of creating the alphabet since men have the advantage of physical might over woman. The so named Man cannot feel same a Woman feels emotionally or physically. People searching eveywhere for the origin of Toxic masculinity not realising the very language that was taught to US to communicate with between boy and girl was made using an alphabet but not thinking if the language itself was Genderised by having only Men make the language format.If Men are equal to Women why does a Man need a Woman to make a baby but Man doesn't need a Woman to help him make an Alphabet to Language ? When Adam spoke for the first time in the bible how many people reading the book thought , '' What school did Adam attend to learn how to speak Hebrew because Adams childhood is not documented in the Bible ? '' The bible hides the childhood activity of the men your hypnotised into learning about. SLOW DOWN YOUR MIND. Why has Eve brought forth a Man instead of BABY for the reader of the scriptures to follow. There are no Pictures in the Scriptures. Why are God robes made of Cotton but gives Adam and Eve coats of skin ? If you drive a Rolls Royce would your children inherit a Go-Kart ? Isn't that called going backwards ? Therefore anyONE that believes in the Scriptures Bible is thinking and doing Things BACKWARD and probably not know there are. Face the music your ALPHABETS ARE MASCULINE........AND SO EVE WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY, EVEN THE SERPENT WAS MASCULINE THAT SPOKE TO EVE. And just to let you ALL know those Greeks that made your Alphabet, How many of those GREEKS do you think with your own mind .........meditated with their MINDS ? WHY THEN ARE ALL OF YOUR TREES OUTSIDE IN YOUR CITIES FOR SOME REASON ALL MASCULINE. MASCULINE LEAVES PERSPIRING IN THE POSITIVE CHARGED AIR MADE POSITIVE CHARGED BY MEN AND HIS POLLUTION MAKING IDEAS. Male trees have Flowers in Spring to distract you Beauty without Fruits to Feed you.