Gary Brecka Verified


As Chief Human Biologist for 10X Health, Gary guides the company’s Global Wellness vision and direction. He has over 20 years of experience in “Bio-Hacking” and “Functional Medicine”—his passion lies in customizing peak performance protocols for individuals to achieve optimal health. He’s an expert on serum blood and genetic biomarkers. He also sits on the Board of NFL Alumni Association as a Health Services Director and is known as the “Celebrity Bio-Hacker”.

Revista BR Economia


A Revista BR Economia busca analisar e apresentar dados econômicos do Brasil e do mundo, de forma prática e amigável ao público em geral. Somos independentes de todo e qualquer apoio político ou ideológico. Tendo a missão de divulgar a verdade em primeiro lugar, nossa equipe se dedica em construir sempre uma mídia ética, referência em imparcialidade. Nossa visão é aumentar a relevância e confiabilidade da Revista BR Economia em nível nacional, podendo servir como fonte para outros comunicadores. Verificar a veracidade de fatos; combater fake news; pesquisar e conferir informações, divulgadas pela pequena ou grande imprensa, são atributos que fazem parte de nossos valores. Acreditamos que todo acontecimento deve ser compreendido de modo aprofundado, considerando todos os fatores encontrados. Além disso, somos contra toda forma de escravidão e sofrimento, portanto, somos defensores incondicionais da liberdade e dos direitos humanos.



V dnešnej dobe potrebujeme kvalitné informácie, ktoré nám pomôžu získať rozhľad, ktorý je tak potrebný na kvalitný a fantastický život. Nájdete tu informácie o finančnej gramotnosti, ktoré sa týkajú nielen peňazí ale aj všetkých aspektov pohodového a spokojného života. Aké to sú? Ako chrániť svoje peniaze, ako zarábať peniaze, ako zdravo a kvalitne nakupovať, ako spoznať svoje návyky a ako začať znova používať zdravý sedliacky rozum.

Bannbrecher & Dammbrecher


Wir beschäftigen uns mit Zivilisation und was diese Form des Zusammenlebens eigentlich bedeutet. Es geht um die ganz großen Themen: Sein und Werden, Freiheit und Naturrecht, Spiritualität und Religion, Ethik und Moral, Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit, Wissen und Weisheit, Natur und Kultur, Stämme und Staaten… um den selbstbestimmt denkenden, fühlenden & handelnden Menschen wieder herstellen zu helfen. Bannbrecher & Dammbrecher wird durch Erläuterungen und Gespräche mit Gästen erkunden, welche Wege uns offenstehen, wieder so zu leben, wie es Menschen ansteht. Besuch unsere Website, auf der weitere Infos und alle Plattformen genannt werden:

Albrecht Taxidermy Goes Hunting!


Welcome to my YouTube channel! I am John Albrecht of Albrecht Taxidermy. I have practiced the art of taxidermy for five decades. Over the years, I have lined up hunting trips all over the world to share the opportunity of these once-in-a-lifetime hunts with my taxidermy clients. Many of the game we hunted over the years ended up mounted in homes and businesses through the art of taxidermy. Now I am happy to share my passion for hunting with the world through video footage from many of the trips I have enjoyed with customers. I hope you enjoy reliving these adventures with me thanks to the wonder of YouTube. Subscribe and follow this channel so you don't miss new videos as I continue to publish them from my archives, and you will also see short videos of new taxidermy projects from time to time.