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Island Bori Trailers


Welcome aboard the ultimate expressway to cinematic and gaming excitement! At Island Bori Trailers, we're your one-stop destination for heart-pounding movie trailers, exclusive clips, and exhilarating gaming content. Step into a world where every video is a ticket to adventure, where we delve deep into the realms of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters and the immersive universes of gaming. Join our passionate community of fans as we explore, dissect, and celebrate the latest in entertainment, promising you a front-row seat to the most thrilling experiences in film and gaming. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for an adrenaline-fueled journey – welcome to Island Bori Trailers, where the excitement never ends! Other Channels:



This is a series of shows about the Past, the Present and the Future with your Host: PaPa Paul. Each episode has a unique perspective from a personal point of view brought to you in three small segments of interest. The attempt is to offer a record of remembrances with a touch of humor and depending on your point of view, some wisdom for your consideration. Hope you enjoy this trip down Memory Lane and perhaps you will walk along with me to the next bend.

First Fruits Ministries


First Fruits Ministries is a Judeo-Christian Messianic Ministry that meets every Saturday from 10 to 4 p.m. at 60 Bailey Ave, Manchester, NH 03104. First Fruits Ministries also presents a monthly Bible study on the last Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 131 Amory St., Manchester, NH 03102 or on Zoom ( sign up to join us ). Visit for more information. On behalf of First Fruits Ministries and in service to Yeshua HaMashiach, I am humbly at your service if you need help learning more about God's Word, one of our studies, or any other matter in your relationship with Yeshua. First Fruits Ministries derives its name from 1 Corinthians 15:20 -23: "But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming." First Fruits Ministries is an affiliate of Corner Fringe Ministries , which are two different ministries, united in Yeshua. Location Pastor Andrew J. Manuse is guided in Christ and discipleship under the counsel of Corner Fringe Ministries Pastor Daniel Joseph, whose church is located in Coon Rapids, Minnesota.

First Fruits of Zion


First Fruits of Zion specializes in the study and teaching of Scripture from its historical, linguistic, and cultural context. Using the latest scholarship, ancient Jewish sources, and extra-biblical literature, we present a Messianic Jewish reading of the Bible and early Jewish-Christianity. We do this by publishing books, ebooks, magazines, journals, study programs, audio and audio-visual resources, and presenting new material through seminars, conferences, and guided Israel tours. Messianic Judaism represents a great challenge to both Judaism and Christianity, but stands to be a potential turning point in the redemption of the world.

Pepe's Fruit Trees


Growing and propagating tropical and subtropical fruit trees like Miracle Berry, Cacao, Soursop and Jaboticabas. Love to garden? Learn all about growing edible plants here with Pepe. Pepe's Plants and Fruit Trees is dedicated to helping you grow subtropical, tropical and some temperate fruits and vegetables. Our main purpose is to promote edible gardening and landscaping. ​ Learn more about us here: All the information on this site is relevant to the Southern United States and similar regions worldwide. Keep in mind that our focus is on fruit trees but we do cover vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants. The information is based on my personal experience growing in South Florida. Help keep this site growing and providing information by considering a visit to our ​Amazon affiliate link. NEED FRUIT TREES? Visit our online nursery here:

Another Boring Topic


We are three friends with a shared love of reading and researching various topics that may seem boring, but have fascinating stories. If you like deep dives into obscure topics, or easy-to-understand overviews of complicated topics, you just might find something here that interests you. Due to the fact that we work full time jobs and have families, our uploading schedule tends to be sporadic. However, we do our best to make the waits worthwhile. We also have a free substack for additional show notes or random articles. to subscribe. We do have a Twitter account for occasional channel announcements.