The Aquarius Bus

1,999 Followers - prophecy, essential oils, remote viewing, herbal medicine, time travel, astrology, dystopia, binaural, drugs, earth, global collapse, armageddon, mandelbrot, survival, food, eastern medicine, apocalypse, hidden history, numerology, hypnosis, predictive programming, energy work, antarctica, metaphysical, extraterrestrial, esoteric, artificial intelligence, tarot, alternative health, tartaria, movies, tarot, quizzes, john titor, occult, mudfloods_

RobboDaYobbo Aussie Conspiracy Comedian -


!!!!!!! Haven't got a RUMBLE account yet ?? !?!??! Please support #HAARPhunters - by grabbing a FREE Rumble account and then follow our Channel(s).. EVERY VIDEO I UPLOAD !! -->>> H.A.A.R.P Hunters - GeoEngineering #WeatherWarfare - Predictions - Conspiracy Corner - CONvid PLANdemic - #TheHardTruth - Robbo Da Yobbo's Comedy playlist :-) = #FJB - Let's Go Brandon VIDEO Playlist **** TWITTER = **** Instagram - ************** 🤙 I'm Bring'n 💇 Mullets Back - 🤩 Parody by Robbo Da Yobbo 🤠 #3 FREE SHIPPING AUSTRALIA WIDE.. wWw.RobboDaYobbo.cOm #4 LIKE PAGE now is MONETISED !!!! YEeEWWW after losing my 50K like page unfairly .. AFTER FB admitted they got it wrong.. profile 30 ban still happened... Like page still got Un-published.. I can now actually.. & WOW moment.. upload and publish "articles" and charge what 20 cents per download.. accept "STARS" whatever the bloody hell that means.. And seems IF !!!!! IF !!!! you all HELP ME !!! get noticed again.. the jobs done... everyone else will take over.. Hoping all you reading this far will think about that the next time you see MY content.. These famous people selling their souls for fame.. or some BS tiktok "influencer" make a million dollars from their videos.. WTF... BY THE WAY . Australia you can NOT make $$$ on Tiktok !!!! again... Rego for rumble.. and please help me get my Rumble Channel Pumping.. THE POWER IS YOURS !!! .. ahahah "Captain Planet" FINALLY !!! #5 OF !! #5 lol ******* IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHERE YOUR $US25 in CRYPTO is you have NOT been scammed... ( I had to click 4 times to find out and SORRRrrRRY wondered why nothing happened at my end.. I JUST found out.. adn SORRY should have known) BUT !!!! Stay WIth me .. lol Get the $0 to sign up Crypto App below - THEN Stake ( CARD section = bottom right ) Simply get Enough CRO ( Click big blue LOGO button.. middle of the app down the bottom ) for the Linked "Ruby" Visa Card and get $US25 extra sign up bonus :-) (Add the $25US to what you got - cash out fully on card you get sent out OR Gift Card. 👑 Crypto Kid 🤑 & Aussie Conspiracy Comedian 🤠 #RobboDaYobbo here. 🎁 I am only giving out 🎉 $25,000 US worth of Crypto to help people get a Crypto wallet - ( to new users only ) If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp or you will not get $US25 ******************** And you will have to have access, on your device, to the Email you use to sign up. !!! Don't Forget.. If sign up sheet is BLANK -- >> & this code is missing... qefy2gj8tp I can't give you the $US25 :-) ******************** EVERY BUSINESS I RUN... even selling HONEY now ONLY accepting the CRO app... the CRO coin just went up 10 % in last week... so when I am up.. I cash out.. and use gift cards when needed ;-) simple.. These are sweet too... I use BINANCE mostly to buy and STAKE !!! for some SIK Interest back on the coins you "Term Deposit / Stake " -- and INSTANT cash out back to back ( first one takes cpl days..) Sell crypto ( eg Bitcoin BTC) Sell BTC to AUD ( aussie Dollars ) Send AUD to bank... boooom Binance Wallet = ( Then head to the EARN + Binance Staking Products and "Stake" your crypto coins for 90 days to get Interest back on those coins !! ) SWIYFT-X = ( Great for beginners with some DEMO coins to test with ) Crypto VISA APP = (BUY ++ Stake CRO coin and spend with a VISA card or Instant E-Gift Card Creator ) Free $25 US. qefy2gj8tp !!!! CODE IN or no !! US$25 qefy2gj8tp !!! CoinBase = ( Free coins after you trade $150 Aud ) CoinSpot = ( Free coins after you trade $150 Aud ) Even If you Don't Win the LAMBORGHINI !! Cheers, Aussie Conspiracy Comedian- Future P.M of Australia. Robbo Da Yobbo Speak'n

Aussie Cossack Reporting


More About What Aussie Cossack is doing. Not all is as it would first seem . . . a place for commenting. Independent and NOT in any way associated with Politics or "AussieCossack". Concerned with The Truth being known by all. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources: Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11:

The Needle Bar Bus Tour


Everyone has a story about the Covid 19 vaccines: good and bad. Even those who haven't had it. We want to hear and share those stories. Rod Humphris, the landlord of the Raven in Bath, who clashed with Keir Starmer on lockdowns, is taking the Needle Bar Bus around the UK. He and his team, including a film crew and a fully stocked bar, are setting off in November following the stories. For more information or to share your story please email , go to and follow us on twitter @needle_stories .

The Cussing Cardslinger


This channel is a little piece of magic on the internet. I am a professional tarot reader and I decided to share my readings online. I will also be sharing all sorts of pearls of wisdom! I will be doing Tarot and Oracle unboxing and flip through videos, monthly and weekly tarot readings, information on spiritual practices and rituals as well as paranormal stories! We will discuss the law of attraction and I will provide coaching to empower your soul and unleash your true, authentic self!