Tartaria Explained


Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the preMongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entirenorthern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time andwould have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian empire flourished duein part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, andgrand architecture.Tartaria is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from.The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due tothe Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. Theworld of the Tartarians is literally the world under our world. The underworld.Tartarus wasn’t the underworld and will never be the underworld. Tartaria is theunderworld. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out theTartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the “underworld” if they challenged the religious authority.

Visão Pátra


Canal Visão Pátria. Conservadorismo, Conversa, Entrevista e muita política. Conhecimento é a chave para a liberdade. Bancada: Edson Andrade Jimmy Gresik Luiz Marcelo Cabral YouTube: https://youtube.com/VisaoPatria Twitter: https://twitter.com/VisaoPatria Twitter (antigo): https://twitter.com/PatriaVisao Canal do Telegram: https://t.me/VisaoPatria Instagram: https://instagram.com/visaopatria Facebook (perfil): https://www.facebook.com/PatriaVisao Facebook (página): https://FB.me/VisaoPatria Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/visaopatria Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/VisaoPatria Arquivo (Rumble) Telegram: https://t.me/ArquivoVisaoPatria GAB: https://gab.com/VisaoPatria MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/visaopatria Bom Perfil (perfil): https://bomperfil.com/PatriaVisao Bom Perfil (página): https://bomperfil.com/pagina/VisaoPatria Parler: https://parler.com/user/VisaoPatria Pátriabook (perfil): https://patriabook.com/PatriaVisao Pátriabook (página): https://patriabook.com/VisaoPatria

Galactic Historian


Andrew Bartzis is a Reiki master and Shaman with the unique ability of being able to access multiple Akashic Records at will. Known as the Galactic Historian, he is able to read and share individual, cultural, global, and galactic histories with those who come to him. As an active healer and psychic reader for nearly 20 years, his goal is to help the world around him by sharing information from a sacred neutral state. By sharing the power of contract revocations, he helps individuals reclaim their sovereign free will. You can learn more about soul contracts and Andrew's work at https://www.andrewbartzis.com/

RodsShop Automotive How To Tutorials


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