We Are America


We are America is all about the real America and not the America the liberals wants the world to see, we are proud and love our country. Some of us are fat and others are skinny, some of us are black and some of us are white but no matter what, we are all Americans and love our country and we as the true American People need to fight to take our country back from the traitorous liberals. We, the American people have to be the one voice that says ENOUGH! God Bless America

ART BELL & Mysteries of the Universe


Art Bell was not only a very soothing and entertaining radio personality but he was also a thinker. I learned so much about the world via his interviews with people like Dr Len Horowitz, Michio Kaku, Richard Hoagland, Graham Hancock and hundreds more. I didn't always agree with the way Art would sometimes be short with callers or his stance on Americas role as the world policeman and war.....but I learned about myself that nobody is perfect....neither Art nor I nor You. I miss Art and know I will see Him again in the afterlife. God Bless You all for finding this channel. I am going to put more effort into it and be the most popular Art Bell channel on Rumble. My channel on YouTube had over 15 000 SUBSCRIBERS until Premiere Radio started putting heat on me so I said I'd rather publish the good stuff than have it removed for the greedy radio corporation that Art made extremely profitable.

Relaxing Music 432 Hz by Stellas Starseeds


Hello beautiful soul! You can find here my music and videos, which I produce myself. I love peaceful and relaxing music and beautiful nature videos, also fantasy and abstract forms and shapes! I create my music in Logic Pro and my videos in Premiere Pro. Effects are made with After Effects and Plotaverse. You can subscribe to my channel here or follow me on Instagram for more inspirational content https://www.instagram.com/stellas_starseeds/ or follow me on Spotify to listen to my music (also as "Stellas Starseeds" on many other platforms) https://open.spotify.com/artist/2TCUwom0mgfCpqH1SwNPe6 Find your inner peace and be happy!

The Grey Area


- Mercenary / Surgeon / Mortician / Body Launderer - Formerly Contracted for Bush, Clinton, Henry, many other 'Elite' Cowards involved with Major Industry, Politics, National Security and Military Intelligence, etc. - Whistleblowing RE: Organized Child Trafficking and Grooming, Murder of Innocent American Citizens on American Soil, and misc. Crimes Against Humanity and overall Corruption that has infiltrated Executive, Judicial, and Legislative bodies of American Government, and our National Security Apparatus - Speaking out publicly, AGAIN, after going dark for nearly a decade following retaliation with significant loss of life and collateral damage ------- For inquiries: grey@organizesafety.org For assistance: help@organizesafety.org ----------- Twitter/X tends to have most recent information, please follow for updates: https://substack.com/@greyareaoperator https://reddit.com/u/GreyAreaOperator https://twitter.com/GreyAreaMonarch https://youtube.com/@greyareaoperator