The Aggressively Average Podcast


The Bearable Bull Is A Persona I Created 4 Years Ago That Allowed Me To Speak Freely On Controversial Topics Without The Threat Of Public Backlash Or Criticism.. This Gave Me Protection From Physical Threats In The Real World However, There Was A Moment In 2021 Where I Dared Talk On Topics Like Covid, Vaccines & Politics On My Youtube Channel & Shortly Thereafter I Was Censored The Aggressively Average Podcast Is A Place Where I, The Bearable Bull, Can Speak On Every Topic Of Relevance Without The Threat Of Being Censored & I Look Forward To Pushing Societal Boundaries Again

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Scenario is a social network for sharing ideas, opinions, lifestyles and proposals. It was born on the initiative of a new community of people who want to keep on defending freedoms and rights and expressed the need for their own communication tool not subject to the algorithms of the big multinationals' sites. In long and passionate discussions, we realised the need for an environment - agora - open to any contribution, free, without censorship from above, rooted in our Greek-Roman democratic culture, to understand what happened and to unite us so that it does not happen again.

How To Train Your Dogs To Become Aggressive

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Fascinatingtv team brings you popular breeds of pets. We have listed different species according to their popularity in the world. A short clip of each pettypes is shown together with the name and country of origin of that breed. Additionally, the name of each pet species in English is pronounced. We have added a piece of beautiful music to make your viewing of beautiful famous pets like dogs, birds, cats more enjoyable. This is an ideal video for who are interested in a man's best friend: the dog.