The Hillbilly Kitchen Country Cooking Verified


Join real country women as we cook real food in the real kitchens where we cook for our families. We will share our recipes and our methods with you. Food doesn't have to be fancy to taste good. We will teach you how to make basic everyday foods and fancy dishes that we make for special occasions. Along the way we will share our faith and families with you. Cooking at home saves tons of money and is far healthier than eating in restaurants, as a bonus everything is fixed exactly the way you like it. The kitchen is the heart of the home. Welcome to our kitchens! #TheHillbillyKitchen #CountryCooking

The Zo Loft w/ AlfonZo Rachel


The Zo Loft is a play on words using a shortened version of my name, AlfonZo Rachel or “Zo” and my “loft” where I conduct my commentaries. The commentaries are observations Through a Biblical, conservative, and I dare say a comedic filter on politics, culture, and whatever I may find interesting the news. The Zo Loft is a thought provoking and humorous commentary usually on the absurd, mentally and emotionally questionable state of liberals – hence I, Zo, prescribe to them a dose of truth from the “Zo Loft”. And for the conservatives who sometimes feel run down from what the liberals are doing to this country, I also prescribe to them a visit to the “Zo Loft” too for a dose of chuckle therapy by pointing out the absurdity of liberals, while lifting spirits with Bible based truth. The Zo Loft is primarily my monologues, but the production is meant to evolve into including satirical skits to illustrate the absurdity of left wing thinking.

The Rachel Cruze Show Verified


Hi, I’m Rachel! I love Jesus, pizza and the Enneagram, and I’m the host of The Rachel Cruze Show—which you’ll find here on YouTube, on Facebook, and wherever you listen to podcasts. I teach people how to get out of debt and win with money. As Dave Ramsey's daughter, I was taught from an early age how to give generously, spend wisely, and save for the future. I understand the dangers of debt and have seen firsthand the damage it can do. Learning how to tell my money where to go using a budget was a game changer for me. I found that the more I did it, a budget didn’t limit my freedom—it gave me freedom. And I’m passionate about sharing that so you can experience that freedom too! Since then, as a Ramsey Personality, I’ve written four bestselling books and met people from all walks of life who just want to get their money under control. My message is simple: I want you to take control of your money and create a life you love!

Ursachenforschung Gtz


Ursachenforschung Gtz (seit 21.o3.2016) Informationswebseite zur AB~Änderung der NWO Pläne ^derenirrAgenden^! Besser, zur Entwicklung einer rechtschaffen(d)en wahrheitsliebend natürlich wertvollen & lebenswerten Welt, im Sinne aller fühlenden Lebewesen. Schutz, Erhalt, so wie Förderung zur freien gesunden Entfaltung, der natürlich biologisch all~um~fassen~den "Mutter" Natur. Grenzen-los, denken ... ohne Gewähr Ursachenforschung Gtz [gtz] INHABER: stefan [götz] ART>Kunst der Philosophie SINN>„Liebe zur Weisheit, linguistisch/&kybernetische Ent(d)wickelung" LEBENDERKLÄRUNG: fühlend~lebendig~lebend, beseelt sittlicher mensch mit Herz ,positiv lebensbejahend - körperlich fit, frei denkend mit gesunden Geist, bei klarem Verstand. Nur Sein, besteht durch sich allein, stefan(m) 11.o4.1967 in/zu Nürnberg 49° 28' 9.999" N 11° 6' 35.935" E aR.i Verweis: PB>MOTU PROPRIO vom Papst Benedikt XVI 2013 so auch: ganz(!)außer der: BAR >{12 Rechtsvermutungen} - - - Kaffeekasse ... ☕🍩 Direktlink👉