323 Followerstutte le notizie
242 FollowersFoodForestAbundance
180 FollowersLife More Abundantly with Dr. Kynan Bridges
109 FollowersDr. Kynan Bridges' ISN Network Show
Abundance Church
95 FollowersChurch of Natural Abundance Coming Soon: 100 sermons from Mike Adams on nutrition, superfoods, herbs and healing oils found in the Bible.
Health News Updates
78 FollowersWeekly review of news headlines and how it relates to your health
Spiritual Growth & Abundance
51 FollowersGiving you tools to ascend & activate your crystalline light body & become a master manifester as you raise your consciousness.
The End of all Evil
45 FollowersThe end of all evil, written by Jeremy Lock (2005), was introduced to me by Mark Passio. I found the information easy to grasp, and led to deeper thinking about how life has been in the United Kingdom of Great Britain - Communism dressed in Democracy. I felt compelled to narrate only a few chapters, but found that I covered about 90% of the book. I share links to many additional resources I've come upon, over the course of time, that has supported my greater knowing of the world in which we live. You can find Jeremy Locks book here,, no affiliation. The videos shared are for entertainment, information, education purposes only and are not be construed as medical, legal or financial advice. If you are interested in learning more about holistic therapy such as Reiki, massage & aromatherapy please look at our website which is undergoing transformation. ( Invitation; I, Deborah, have created a new channel dedicated to distance Reiki session.; MyReikiRetreat, here on rumble. As such the Reiki videos will be deleted from here and uploaded to the new channel found,
37 FollowersAbundantLivingMinistries
35 FollowersThe Abundance of Rain
31 FollowersProphetic Pulse For Our Time
31 FollowersAbundantLifeHealingCentreofSudbury
28 FollowersAbundant Life Fellowship Church
23 FollowersTeaching and Preaching Sound Bible Doctrine
19 FollowersUrban Abundance is helping South Florida residents transform any yard or lawn into a beautiful, and functional edible landscape. Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, food forests, pollinator plants, you name it! We are helping Florida feed itself by creating local, organic, and abundant food systems. Join the #GrowFoodAtHome movement with us! INQUIRE HERE : Check out our website to see our products, services, and more! Follow us on social media! Let's create abundance together! #GROWFOODATHOME
19 FollowersGifting & Abundance On PCS
18 FollowersAbundance And Walking Away From Monetarism
Risonanza Schumann
17 FollowersAV 23-06-2023-LA RISONANZA SCHUMANN . 🛸🛸 La risonanza Schumann viene spiegata nelle trasmissioni dei Pleiadiani Schumann. Saranno riposate quindi tutte le trasmissioni inerenti all'Evento , si prega di ascoltare i messaggi se volete capire di più cosa e successo nel periodo 2018-2023 Nella fase di ascensione infatti la frequenza di Schumann incomincio a raggiungere picchi di 40-100 hz fino a raggiungere -158 HZ , il 6 Dicembre 2019 , Arrivati quindi a tale frequenza , l'oscurità mette in moto un piano , abbassare di nuovo la frequenza rimodulando il DNA attraverso la corona ad uno stato delta , ovvero 7,5 max hz . Lo hanno fatto attraverso le trasmissioni di paura per tv radio supermercati , infatti la gente si ammalava per credenza che fuori c'era qualcosa di brutto, di conseguenza e avvenuta una battaglia , hanno provato a privarci delle nostre cose , L'AMORE per esempio , dovevamo stare distanti bucarci imbavagliarci perché cerano semi stellari incarnati con un DNA che risuonava più alto e quindi stato asceso (scacco matto), infatti in mezzo a questa battaglia la risonanza non superava più picchi alti la gente aveva paura ,(meta 2020 calo) erano entrati anche incontraddizione con il mio canale , mi dicevano se fuori ce morte i messaggi non sono veri , hanno interrotto cosi ascensione 4 anni fa , ma noi semi stellari galattici non abbiamo rinunciato al grande tesoro siamo andati avanti a combattere e infatti noi stavamo bene fuori il cielo faceva uscire il sole e d'eravamo assenti da programmazioni , fino ad OGGI , si potete vedere quelle onde speciali nel grafico oggi come sintomo di un cambio DNA da carbonio a cristallino , 2023 la carta verde come tutto il male e stato abolito , credetemi adesso CREDILO !!!!! BENVENUTI IN 5D ABBIAMO STRAVINTO , CI SIAMO LAUREATI IN MATERIA E IN AMORE . GRAZIE UNO ! DOVE ANDIAMO 1 ANDIAMO TUTTI🤩🎁🛸🛸🎁🛸🛸🎁🎁🛸🎁🎁🎁🛸🎁🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 PS ci tengo infinitamente che tutto il mio lavoro svolto dal 2018 e on line , NON DOVETE PRIVARVI DI QUELLO CHE NON SAPETE QUINDI E GIUSTO CHE IL MIO LAVORO SIA CON VOI , Purtroppo youtube non ha amato il mio lavoro nonostante il canale piaceva alla gente e mi a sfrattato di casa 4 volte , oggi e per questo che non creo un altro canale sul tubo MA HO LA FORTUNA DI RIPRESENTARVI TUTTO IN UN ALTRO SPAZIO ----- CANALE Risonanze Schumann FASE DI ASCENSIONE IN VIDEO (RIMOSSI) E MESSA INSIEME DEL PAZEL VI AMO ! BUON LAVORO ANCORA UNA COSA NOI DICEVAMO CHE STAVA ACCADENDO QUALCOSA DI MAESTOSO , GLI OSCURI INVECE FACEVANO IL CONTRARIO , NOI INTENDO COME TRASMISSIONI SOTTO LA GUIDA DEL COMANDANTE ASTHAR E I PLEIADIANI , NON MI STO INVENTANDO NULLA , ANCHE ADESSO CHE SCRIVO ANCHE SE CON ERRORI ....MA HO FRETTA DI RIFARVI ASCOLTARE TUTTO CAPITE ....MI AUGURO DI SI QUINDI RIMANETE COLLEGATI NELLA PAGINA VISTO CHE NON AVETE LE NOTIFICHE DI RUMBLE , QUALSIASI COSA SONO QUI MA SE QUI MI SFRATTANO SONO SU RUMBLE SICURO LI RIMANE TUTTO ... A BRACCIA APERTE CI HANNO ACCOLTO... ANCHE ATON 🤩 COMANDANTE CAPO DIETRO A TUTTO , SEMPRE SOTTO LE SUE ALI ... SALUUUU ----- 169343 SIGNIFICA AMORE LIQUIDO . AMOREVOLE CONCENTRATO CALMO CENTRATO AL MEGLIO CHE POSSIAMO , SEMPRE NEL POSTO GIUSTO AL MOMENTO GIUSTO !
Abundance is our birth right
17 FollowersWelcome to My Reiki Retreat with me Deborah, a Reiki Master, Practitioner and Teacher. This channel is dedicated to Sensie Miako Usui, Reiki and the sharing of distance Reiki sessions infused with healing sound frequencies. I, Deborah, received my attunements to Reiki Master in 2003 and I provide a variety of online well-being courses which include Reiki and various other modalities. It is my intention for this channel is share Reiki sessions to transform and transcend negative states. I believe by lifting the Spirit out of the warped system imposed upon each of us, we each choose to align with the true abundant nature of Creation. I, Deborah, a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher am excited to share these sessions with all who wish to connect and experience life transformations with Distance Reiki. In In Lak’ech Ala K’in, nameste For anyone who would like to support Deborah & her channel, donations will help to bring more online content. Gratitude and Appreciation in advance.
Access Abundance For All
14 FollowersOfficial Access Abundance For All videos. AAFA is an "outside the system" activist group fighting for equality, human rights, fairness, honesty, and truth. We promote the only viable solution to all of the World's current problems, which is Fresco's version of the Resource Based Economy (RBE).
11 FollowersFood Forest Abundance CNY
11 FollowersUse permaculture methods to grow food the easy way--turn your lawns into food forests!
Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
11 FollowersMaking it easy to manifest miracles, luck and abundance in your Life
11 FollowersAbundanceforall888
8 FollowersAbundant Health
8 FollowersFor people looking to take their health to the next level or overcome a prolonger illness.
Abundant Health Ministries
8 FollowersThis is a channel for Abundant Health Ministries. Here will you find faith-based engagement and alternative health resources!
Attract Abundance Meditation, Wealth, Money Luck & Prosperity
Magic of Manifestation | Attract Abundance
7 FollowersLearn How To Manifest All You Desire & Live the Life of Your Dreams - Attract Abundance in Love, Wealth, Health & Happiness
Abundant Living
6 FollowersTerry Hoffman Teaching @ Abundant Grace Ministries
6 FollowersAbundant Grace Ministries teachings
6 FollowersProviding Motivation and Sales Lessons that can Create Financial Abundance via Merchant Sales
5 FollowersIn this channel, you will find detailed merchant service sales tips & motivation from real-life journeys/adventures meant to encourage you to OWN YOUR LIFE To OWN YOUR LIFE means to have freedom of time, money, & health. This business creates 2 of those, and I am here to help you achieve it quicker than figuring it out by yourself. Visit the links below for additional resources Become a PRO!!! Just copy what works in EZ Pay's 28 Day Merchant Sales Mastery Course - Join Joe Wagner & the EZ Team for training, support, and systems to operate your business at View our Sales Partner's testimonials about their success and what to expect when working with EZ Pay at Download the free eBook "If I Lost It All Today" at For an overview of all Joe Wagner's coaching, gear, and announcements visit
Daily Scripture Reading
5 FollowersDaily acts of devotion help to strengthen our Faith and build unbreakable connection with the Lord. Reading His Truth each day helps us to share in the many, abundant blessings He has in store for us. Enjoy! I'll see you Tomorrow!
5 FollowersInspirational, Spiritual, Personal Growth
5 FollowersAbundant Souls Podcast
4 FollowersWe are so excited to share these intimate conversations with some of the greatest growers in Florida. You won't want to miss it! Urban Abundance is helping South Florida residents transform any yard or lawn into a beautiful, and functional edible landscape. Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, food forests, pollinator plants, you name it! We are helping Florida feed itself by creating local, organic, and abundant food systems. Join the #GrowFoodAtHome movement with us! INQUIRE HERE : Check out our website to see our products, services, and more! Follow us on social media! Let's create abundance together! #GROWFOODATHOME