Dag Heward-Mills Tuesday Services


Enjoy these and many more videos of the world renowned Evangelist, prolific Christian Author and Super-mega church pastor, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills on this channel Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is the founder of the United Denominations, a world wide denomination with a presence in 100 countries. As the healing evangelist of the Healing Jesus Campaigns, thousands have been miraculously healed and millions have received salvation through Jesus Christ. Many in remote towns in Africa will testify of the amazing miracles they witnessed when they experienced the Healing Jesus Campaigns. As a worldwide Conference Speaker, Evangelist Dag has thousands of messages preached. As a bestselling author he has an amazing 100-book library known as the Makarios. The answer to many of your questions is in the Makarios! As you follow this page, may you begin to know God in a way you have never before! Don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on all notifications

Testimony Tuesday Hosted by Lauren and Dave


We can experience God's loving hand and presence every day. He truly makes Himself known to us in different ways. In this biweekly podcast, you will hear real testimonies from everyday people who have received and been greatly impacted by a great move of our amazing God. You can find us on our social media listed below: https://www.instagram.com/testimonytuesdaypodcast/ https://www.Facebook.com/testimonytuesdaypodcast/ https://www.twitter.com/TestimonyTP

Ascensão Planetária


Nosso canal traz conteúdos de espiritualidade, com auxílio de irmãos galácticos e mestres ascensos, auxiliando na elevação pessoal. O Projeto Ascensão Planetária tem uma equipe grande de pessoas que se dedicam em pró do despertar da consciência de nossos irmãos em Gaia! # Grupos de Meditação Coletiva – Ancoradores de energias positivas no planeta! (4 meditações por dia). # Grupo de Cura Planetária - Equipe de curadores energéticos, que diariamente enviam energias de cura para todo planeta. # Portal de Conteúdos – Nesse portal teremos: Textos de Canalizações; Receitas Veganas; Dicas de Saúde e bem-estar espiritual; Informações sobre o evento; E, conhecimentos para auxiliar no processo evolutivo! # Vivências - Dentro do Projeto temos várias práticas e vivências, que proporcionam aos participantes cura interior e expansão da consciência. Acesse nossos links! gleidsondepaula@gmail.com