Ask Ralph Podcast: Mastering Your Finances with a Christian Perspective


Are you a Christian longing to honor God in every aspect of your life, including your finances? The Ask Ralph Podcast is your guide to finding financial freedom, making wise money decisions, and aligning your resources with your faith. Your host, Ralph Estep, Jr., brings a unique combination of expertise and genuine experience to the table. He's an accountant, a business coach, a podcast host, an author, a farmer – but above all, a husband, father, and a man seeking to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Ralph has been through the highs and lows of managing money - he's made mistakes, learned powerful lessons, and wants to share that journey with you. Expect a refreshing blend of practical advice and Biblical principles. We'll cover everything from creating a rock-solid budget and ditching debt to building ethical businesses and exploring the transformative power of generous giving. Whether you're a business owner yearning to integrate your faith into your work, or simply a person desiring wise stewardship of what you've been given, this podcast is for you. Get ready to ditch financial stress, gain clarity and confidence, and use your resources to fulfill God's calling in your life.

Gary Ma Wing Chun


Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I’m a Wing Chun instructor based in Montreal, Quebec. I created this channel for it to serve as a visual notebook for my students, and whoever may find it useful. So, if you'd like more of my deep dives into the art and system of Wing Chun, consider subscribing. Born into Wing Chun to a 2nd generation student of the Ip Man lineage, I started learning Siu Lim Tau as soon as I learned to walk. Fast forward to 2012, inspired by a few eager individuals, I began teaching my own group of students the art and system of Wing Chun in Montreal; continuing the legacy that my father started in this city back in 1978. As a martial artist, I am a traditionalist at heart. But, one who understands that adaptation is key to survival. So, you won’t find your regular run-of-the-mill Wing Chun presented here. Instead, you’ll find Wing Chun’s time-tested concepts presented along side what I believe to be its necessary evolution. Welcome to Gary Ma Wing Chun.



------follow in instagram ----- Whispering. One of the most common ASMR triggers, gentle whispering can result in feelings of calmness and relaxation, as a recent study noted. ... Blowing. Blowing sounds create a similar effect to whispering. ... Scratching. ... Tapping. ... Page turning. ... Writing. ... Typing. ... Crinkling. mouth sound. hand movement. finger flutter. hand sounds. face touching. fast and aggressive. asmr mukbang. #BAPPAASMR #ASMR