Jamie McIntyre - Founder of Australian National Review


Jamie McIntyre is a successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator, hosting on his stage some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and individuals. He is the Founder of 21st Century Education, the news site the ‘Australian National Review’ and also the author of numerous globally applauded publications such as the best-selling books ‘What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had’ and ‘Think & Grow Rich For The 21st Century’.

Honest Straightforward Reviews


The purpose of Honest Straightforward Reviews is to provide consumers with unbiased and honest reviews of products. Most products reviewers in today's market are funded and sponsored by the companies that provide them with their products. In this fashion, the companies bias the evaluation of the pundit. The commentator then posts a favourable appraisal of the product as a condition of receiving the product for free. At HSR, we fund all of our assessments. Therefore, we are not obliged to give a favourable examination any of the products that we inspect. Giving you with a real and honest analysis. If you like the unbiased and honest nature of our channel, kindly check our Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/realHSR and join to show your support and keep HSR honest. Thank you in advance. Please follow me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/realHSR